Forum Discussion

traghav86's avatar
Level 5
7 years ago

Limiting number of jobs in SLP

Good day 

Please advise how can i limit num of AIR replication jobs on Source server ? done below but no use.

i have limited IO streams to 15 on destination DP and STU but still no luck

SLP Parmaters : 

Minimum size per duplication job50GB
Maximum size per duplication job1TB
Maximum size per A.I.R. replication job1TB


As soon as replication starts its initializing morethan 50 jobs and causing backups to wait on source server. 


5 Replies

  • The duplication paramters won't impact your AIR SLPs. Do not use the values below, they're what we use.

    How many Media servers does your environment have? And what is the network like between your two sites? 

    • traghav86's avatar
      Level 5


      Changed on AIR Parameters

      Source : Master+Media and Appliance 5220

      Destination : Master+Media with 60TB MSDP

      • D_Flood's avatar
        Level 6

        If get quite a lot of replication jobs (like replicating a database where each namespace is its own backup) you may need to set up SLP Backup Windows to force all of the replication jobs to shut down for a short time and then start back up.  When they start back up they'll be aggrigated per the SLP settings.


    • traghav86's avatar
      Level 5


      am using  below settings but still replication jobs from Appliance media server is initiating morethan 150jobs.

      Maximum size per A.I.R. replication job 1 TB

      Maximum images per snapshot replication job 20

      Minimum Images per A.I.R. Import job 1

      Maximum Images per A.I.R. Import job 250