Forum Discussion

PetrHanz's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Logging detail information about unrecoverable/recoverable error

Hello all,

Have you anybody experience with logging detail information during read/write to medium. So, the log /db/media/error  has some information about any drive and medium error throught TapeAlert with SCSI code or code of tape drive. I am lookup for detail information like - read byte, write byte, recoverable error, unrecoverable error,  ..... In the moment we can to use any solution from library management (Quantum Advanced Reporting , IBM ERMM, Quotium StorSentry) 


Many thanks

  • Yes, I do ...

    I was going to suggest a produlct such as Storsentry.  WIthin NBU there is no option or ability to capture this information, for one reason, it isn't sent to us ....

    So, NBU has no ability and, will never have this ability, to monitor drives at the level you are looking at. In fact, no backup software can log at this level.

    StorSentry is excellent, I have not only used it in the past, but have seen it implemented in other companies to which I was working at the time - it works, very very well.

4 Replies

  • Yes, I do ...

    I was going to suggest a produlct such as Storsentry.  WIthin NBU there is no option or ability to capture this information, for one reason, it isn't sent to us ....

    So, NBU has no ability and, will never have this ability, to monitor drives at the level you are looking at. In fact, no backup software can log at this level.

    StorSentry is excellent, I have not only used it in the past, but have seen it implemented in other companies to which I was working at the time - it works, very very well.

  • Hello,


    thanks for answer .... I know StorSentry very well, the same as Quantum Advanced Reporting or Oracle Tape Analyzer ....

    You wrote that no backup software has it. It is no true. BackupExec has it and some next backup software have it, (So, BE201x has detection of SW write and HW write error = recoverable/unrecoverable) Example HP DP ..OB2TAPESTATISTICS. Also in Hiback/Hibars and Commvault I can monitor some tape/medium errors information.



  • OK, I wasn't clear, I meant at the same level as StorSentry.


  • So at the level NBU can log at, you would see errros in

    bptm log


    DRIVE_DEBUG touch file in volmgr dir would also allow logging to system messages.

    But this is 'highish' level logging, tape alerts / ACS/ ACSQ 'errors' - that sort of thing.
