Forum Discussion

AS902's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Managing stand alone drive on Netbackup

Are there options like eject or mount media for a stand alone drive on Netbackup ?

I'm asking because after I inserted a new tape, the media id is still showing as the previous one.

In networker when we eject and insert a new tape we have to manually mount the tape from Networker console. Is this automated on Netbackup ?

Also please let me know what does the following options do when I right click on the drive  :-


Up Drive

Down Drive

Reset Drive

Settings >> Reload from default.


Thank you.

  • Try to refresh the Device Monitor. check from cmd with:
    vmoprcmd -d
    (Command is in ...Veritas\volmgr\bin)

    We have seen previously that a similar issues was caused by drive firmware.

    There should be no need for additional steps as the AVRD process on NBU server will detect the tape mount and read the internal label.
    Have you pre-labelled all the media to be used on this NBU server? 

    Have a look at this forum post : Standalone Tape, how to proceed if the second tape is requried.
    And this TN:  (Valid for 7.x as well)

    Up Drive
    This is the normal state that a drive must be in in order for NBU to use it.

    Down Drive
    Something is wrong with the drive - NBU will not try to use it.

    Reset Drive
    Rewind and eject the tape.

    More info in NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I 
    under these topics:  Managing tape drives and Changing a drive path operating mode  

    No idea what this is doing - never tried it and never needed it:

    Settings >> Reload from default.


  • Try to refresh the Device Monitor. check from cmd with:
    vmoprcmd -d
    (Command is in ...Veritas\volmgr\bin)

    We have seen previously that a similar issues was caused by drive firmware.

    There should be no need for additional steps as the AVRD process on NBU server will detect the tape mount and read the internal label.
    Have you pre-labelled all the media to be used on this NBU server? 

    Have a look at this forum post : Standalone Tape, how to proceed if the second tape is requried.
    And this TN:  (Valid for 7.x as well)

    Up Drive
    This is the normal state that a drive must be in in order for NBU to use it.

    Down Drive
    Something is wrong with the drive - NBU will not try to use it.

    Reset Drive
    Rewind and eject the tape.

    More info in NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I 
    under these topics:  Managing tape drives and Changing a drive path operating mode  

    No idea what this is doing - never tried it and never needed it:

    Settings >> Reload from default.


  • Thank you !!


    Just one question If there is a tape in the drive and I do reset it will eject the tape correct ? Does it cause any harm to the tape data or the drive ?

  • Yes. Reset will rewind and eject the tape. 
    NBU will only do this when the tape is not in use (e.g. active backup or restore).


    In a standalone drive, NBU will automatically rewind and eject the tape after a backup has completed.
    If you do NOT want this, you need to run this command:

    nbemmcmd -changesetting -do_not_eject_standalone yes -machinename <server-name> 

    This will keep tape mounted to append more backups.