Forum Discussion

nathanhammes's avatar
4 years ago

Master server installation - windows

hoping someone can help me here, trying to get a default install of v8.2, local install - Master Server.  I havae read hte install guide and watched a couple videos.  Install runs with no errors (I checked the install logs). but once complete and I open the Admin Console, all that comes up is the Backup Archive & Restore interface.  No configurartion modeules, etc.  I have tried using Silent install, GUI install, nothing seems to work - all comes back to this same result after installation.  I'm sure i am missing something here, I don't have experience with NBU - hoping someone can point me in the right direction.  Thank you!!

18 Replies

  • Hello,

    You may want to check the file auth.conf, it is generally the main cause of this, after the execution of the GUI as administrator..

    • nathanhammes's avatar
      Level 3

      So you both mentuion the Auth.Conf file... which there was not one.  So I created one with the following entry:

      NBU01\Administrator ADMIN=ALL

      That did not work.  Still just getting BAR in the console.  All NBU services set to start Automatically are running, except as shown in this screen shot:

  • When you're at the credentials screen to log in to the console. Do you tick the checkbox that says "Use AD Credentials" or do you type your username and password in manually?


    If you use the checkbox and you aren't in the correct AD group, you won't haver permissions to see anything but the BAR section of the admin console.

    • davidmoline's avatar
      Level 6

      All you probable need to do is to run the Java GUI as administrator. So right click on the program, hightlight more and open the file location. Then right click on the link and select "Run as administrator" (I often find it usefult o create a shortcut on my desktop for the Java GUI. 

      Alternately, install the Java console on a different machine (your Windows 10 desktop for instance) and run the GUI from there (no unusual steps are needed for a remote GUI). 

      The issue when running the GUI on the master server itself is to do with Windows permissions of various log files etc. that are created (as a side note, this problem doesn't occur for every installation and will depend on the security environment configured). 

      I hope this helps.

      • nathanhammes's avatar
        Level 3

        I will give that a try and let you know - thank you for the quick response.