Forum Discussion

cimo's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Master Server performance problem


need some help to understand a performance problem on my Master Server.

My Master Server manages more than 350k bacukp images and more than 1000 clients.

root@michelangelo #  /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist -idonly -d "01/01/1970 00:00:00" | wc -l

Yesterday I had to restart it because schedule jobs didn't start for any client, the "top" command showed that CPU had 0% idle, allocated by 71 bpdbm process running. After the restart the schedule jobs started, but I investigated to identify the problem.

I noted that the Automatic jobs started for a particular Oracle client were frozen during the last step "Validating Image", after that all "Default-Application" jobs completed:

Info bpbrm(pid=18471) validating image for client

This is a particular client, having a huge Oracle DB and archivelog scheduled every 30 minutes.

For each bpbrm process in the media server there was a corrisponding bpdbm process in the Master Server looking for something on the backup image catalog. So I try to count the backup images  I realized that I more than 90k images!!


root@michelangelo # /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist -client -idonly -d "01/01/1970 00:00:00" | wc -l

So, I try to rename the client in the bp.conf and all its policies and I noted that the "validate image" ended in few seconds: the new client has few backup images.


Some usefull information on my Environment:

Master Server version:

Master Server OS: Solaris 10

Master Server RAM: 32gb

Master Server CPUs: 40

Media Server version:


The question is: how can I improve the backup image catalog performance? Is it possible that the image cleanup does not working fine? the backup images for that client should expire in 6 months. Have I to consider this problem during the upgrade to the version that we are planning (with the backup image metadata migration)?

Thank you very much!




  • Support close the case, no corruption was detected.


    As regard the Oracle client backup, after substitute the client name with a new one backup was successful. in the meanwhile a long cleanup delete a long number of old backup image for that client.


    Thank you.