Forum Discussion

jpmichelino's avatar
11 years ago

Media in round robin mode into the volume pool.

Is posible to configure NetBackup to use in round robin mode the media of same volume pool?

For example, I have a volume pool with five media. I want that monday's Backups being saved into first media, tuesday's backus being saved into second media, backup's wednesday into third and so on...
Anybody know how I can configure it?

  • NetBackup is not designed for this - mon / tue ... media is more suited to Backup Exec.

    You can do it with multiple schedules in the policy, one for each day, and override the global policy volume pool with the a mon pool / tue pool / wed pool in the schedule.  You will of course need a vol pool for each day.


4 Replies

  • NetBackup is not designed for this - mon / tue ... media is more suited to Backup Exec.

    You can do it with multiple schedules in the policy, one for each day, and override the global policy volume pool with the a mon pool / tue pool / wed pool in the schedule.  You will of course need a vol pool for each day.


  • Best to not try and micro-manage media You will end up using a lot more media that you intended to and one of these days you will post here that you received status 96 error.

    Let NBU write to same pool when retention levels match and allow media to be appended to. Unless you need to remove media from the robot every day to be sent offsite. Even then you don't need a Monday, Tuesday Wednesday pool.

    NBU knows which media id is used for each backup image and will prompt you for media id when a restore is needed.

  • I am with Martin & Marianne.

    Trust Netbackup - there is no need for you  to know what day of backup are on what media.

    Move on wink

  • Thank Martin, Marianne y Nicolai.
    I need to configure that policy because I need follow a Security Procedure.
    The company can't los the backups of a week if a media crash. I need rotate day by day the media where I save the backups.
    I'll crate some schedules with differents medias pools
    Thank by your advices.