Forum Discussion

trs06's avatar
Level 5
12 years ago

Media Server memory requirements an best practice

I've been scouring the internet for documentation for Symantec Netbackup Enterprise Media Server v7.5 on Windows 2008 r2 server.  I keep being referred to the tuning guide but have not found a clear statement of memory requirements.  Some say 2 GB minimum, some say 2 GB per processor.  Can you point me to Symantec documentation that specifically states Media Server memory recommendations for v7.5?

  • The White Paper refers to RAM (not memory).
    2.2.2 RAM Requirement 

    It really depends on the devices attached to the media servers and the amount of data that needs to be 'moved' at any give point by the media server.
    A dedupe media server may very well need more than 32GB memory.


8 Replies

  • Thank you.  However, I did a search of the document for memory and nothing was found.  Lot's of other specs and good information.

    Is there ever a case with a fully loaded Netbackup workload to need more that 32 GB?  We have Solaris Global Zones and Containers, many hundreds of VMs, a very lot of DBs and so on.  We are running two Windows 2008 r2 physical Media servers with 32 GB of ram each.

  • "memory" not mentioned though "RAM" is...

    For more information about tuning procedures and instructions for determining the correct amount of RAM, see the Veritas NetBackup Backup Planning and Performance Tuning Guide. In general, a media server should have at least 8 GB of RAM



  • The White Paper refers to RAM (not memory).
    2.2.2 RAM Requirement 

    It really depends on the devices attached to the media servers and the amount of data that needs to be 'moved' at any give point by the media server.
    A dedupe media server may very well need more than 32GB memory.


  • Thanks.  Both media servers dedup.  I'll look again for "ram".

  • Dedupe media server is a completely different story!

    Memory requirements are listed in the Dedupe Admin Guide. Another good read is TECH77575 - Dedupe additional notes.

    If I remember correctly, the manual says 1GB ram for each TB of storage.

    I do not have a lot of real-life experience with MSDP, but will find a recent discussion that points to 1.5 GB ram per TB of dedupe storage being more efficient.

    See this discussion:

  • just an info. 7.6 MSDP will need less memory than 7.5 But the master server will need at least 8 BG of RAM instead of 4 GB.
  • Thank you for all your answers and support.  It's just what I needed.