Forum Discussion

nivw_infinidat's avatar
6 years ago

media servers in bp.conf and GUI are not in sync after master restart


I don't understand how to add a new media server. I tried adding it to the bp.conf file and also to the GUI. I now have this odd situation:

My /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf on master server is:

SERVER = testnb2.lab
SERVER = testnb1.lab
SERVER = testnb3.lab
CLIENT_NAME = testnb2.lab
CONNECT_OPTIONS = localhost 1 0 2
EMMSERVER = testnb2.lab
VXDBMS_NB_DATA = /usr/openv/db/data


But tht GUI at Host Properties Media Servers shows a previous defined server testnb4.

In that GUI when I double click the testnb3 line a small yellow bad sign appears on the server.

Also when I run /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/add_media_server_on_clients on the master server only testnb1 appears. where is the update for testnb3?

How to add a media host?



5 Replies

  • Hello,

    distinguish between "Servers" and "Media Servers". "Server" is a permission term, it is just authorizing a server for access to the Master.

    The correct way to "add Media Server" is:

    - add it to "Servers" on Master

    - let install Media Server SW on it - part of this is an automatic creation of "Media Server" record on the Master. And this can be done because this "Server" is authorized for it thanks to previous step



  • Did you restart NBU on the master server after manually editing bp.conf? 

    The same applies as when you add entries in the GUI - when you click OK, you see a message that reminds you to restart NBU. 

    You mentioned previously that you have multiple masters, and that clients are being migrated to new master(s). 
    add_media_server_on_clients will only update clients that :
    1. Exists in master's client database (client names in Policies)
    2. Client has SERVER entry for this master
    3. Master can resolve client hostname has port connectivity to Client (and vice versa)

    • nivw_infinidat's avatar
      Level 3

      Here is how I add a media server:

      1. run the install script and enter the master address
      2. after install ends, edit bp.conf on masrer and add: SERVER = media_server_fqdn below the SERVER = master_server
      3. At the end of bp.conf add: MEDIA_SERVER = media_server_fqdn
      4. restart netback on the master

      run /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/add_media_server_on_clients on master

      no server are added.