Forum Discussion

Amgad's avatar
Level 3
8 years ago

Migrating Netbackup 7.7.2 cluster to new hardware and OS

We have two Netbackup clustered master servers on windows 2008 R2 and we want to migrate to new hardware with windows 2012 R2 installed

what is the best way to migrate all clients, policies and storage to new clustered master server?

  • Hi,

    If I am not wrong then you are using MS-Cluster. 

    -Run NBCC and confirm that catalog is consistence.

    -Fresh full catalog backup and DR file backup in shared location.

    -Take NBSU from both nodes

    -Take backup of registry key just for safety to understand the configuration during troubleshoot. (Optional)

    -Create same replica of existing master configuration. e.g NBU version, install path, Master server Name, Shared drive and drive name and path.

    Note: you can change IP address but cannot change the Master server name.

    -Once install the fresh NBU. Check the failover and other health check from cluster and OS end.

    -Perform the catalog recovery.

    Shortcut (Not Recommend): You can avoid catalog recovery. Once you install the NBU. Bring down the NBU services on new server and old server. Unmap the existing shared disk from New server and old server.

    Represent the older server shared disk to new server using the same drive letter. Take backup of NetBackupDB folder locally. Bring up the NBU services.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • You recover the catalog from catalog backup using the same storage and media server you are currently using to backup the catalog.

    Did you configure email notification in your catalog backup policy?
    The email that is sent after successful catalog contains all the steps to recover the catalog.

14 Replies

  • Hi,

    If I am not wrong then you are using MS-Cluster. 

    -Run NBCC and confirm that catalog is consistence.

    -Fresh full catalog backup and DR file backup in shared location.

    -Take NBSU from both nodes

    -Take backup of registry key just for safety to understand the configuration during troubleshoot. (Optional)

    -Create same replica of existing master configuration. e.g NBU version, install path, Master server Name, Shared drive and drive name and path.

    Note: you can change IP address but cannot change the Master server name.

    -Once install the fresh NBU. Check the failover and other health check from cluster and OS end.

    -Perform the catalog recovery.

    Shortcut (Not Recommend): You can avoid catalog recovery. Once you install the NBU. Bring down the NBU services on new server and old server. Unmap the existing shared disk from New server and old server.

    Represent the older server shared disk to new server using the same drive letter. Take backup of NetBackupDB folder locally. Bring up the NBU services.

    Thanks & Regards,

    • Amgad's avatar
      Level 3

      Thank you Tousif

      I have a question, If I have to use the same nodes names this means I have to disjoin the existing cluster nodes from domain and this will distroy it

      What can I do in case I want to roll back if migration failed for any reasone?

      • sdo's avatar
        Don't destroy the old nodes/cluster, just keep them powered off until you are sure the new cluster is viable. When you come to wipe them, make sure the server LAN NICs are unplugged, or their LAN switch ports marked down, and then boot them, and then use ILO/DRAC to logon at console and destroy/wipe them.