Forum Discussion

sandaru's avatar
Level 3
3 years ago

NetBackup CloudCatalyst to MSDP Cloud Migration


Above document mentions a Direct Migration mechanism from NetBackup CloudCatalyst to MSDP Cloud, which will be available in a future NetBackup release. 

It also mentions that the NetBackup server upgrades to 9.0 and later releases are not supported for CloudCatalyst servers. Also, as mentioned in NetBackup 9.0 Deduplication guide, Cloud Catalyst section has removed from NetBackup 9.1 Deduplication guide.

However, the above document is not updated recently. Appreciate if someone can help me with the information related to "NetBackup CloudCatalyst to MSDP Cloud Direct Migration" mechanism, If it is available now, or in which release it might be available. 



  • Hi Jayaar 

    This process (direct migration) is supported in NetBackup 10.0 and above. The process itself is detailed in one of the appendices in the Deduplication Guide with the required prerequisites, process to migrate and post migration steps. 

    So the process has been available since March 2022 - although you have to upgrade to 10.0 to use it. 

    Good luck


7 Replies

    • davidmoline's avatar
      Level 6

      Hi sandaru 

      My understanding is that this feature/function is intended for inclusion in the next major NetBackup release. Whether it makes it or not is not something I can say. The next release is scheduled for later this year.


  • Hi

    We are going into 2023 and still I cannot see anything of the migration tool. Any update pls.



    • davidmoline's avatar
      Level 6

      Hi Jayaar 

      This process (direct migration) is supported in NetBackup 10.0 and above. The process itself is detailed in one of the appendices in the Deduplication Guide with the required prerequisites, process to migrate and post migration steps. 

      So the process has been available since March 2022 - although you have to upgrade to 10.0 to use it. 

      Good luck


  • Hi davidmoline,

    Any idea on if we can use a Media Server instance on a NetBackup Flex Appliance as the destination MDSP-C when using the direct migration from Cloud Catalyst to MSDP-C?


    • davidmoline's avatar
      Level 6

      Hi sandaru 

      I see no reason why a Flex instance wouldn't be supported (and no obvious mentions that it isn't). You would have to create the instance and allocate some storage for MSDP (using the Flex console). Then from one of the NetBackup GUI's create the storage server only - DO NOT create the disk pool (so ignore that next step when using the wizard). 

      From there the volume (to be used for the cache) will be available on the Flex instance (log in to check the path - I think it will be /mnt/msdp/vol0). Now follow the steps from the Deduplication Guide.

      I have not tried this, and do not know if it will work - so do this at your own risk. A support call to ask this question would be an additional step - let support (and backline) provide a definitive answer. I'll be interested in hearing how this goes (one advantage of this is that of course the CC server remains intact if things don't go as planned, and the recovery to how it was should be simpler).
