Forum Discussion

Andy2345's avatar
Level 6
12 years ago

mismatch between media label and barcode

I have a media mismatch between my mediaa id label and media barcode.


Is it fine?

What is diffference between internal label and external label of a media?

  • Almost

    So bplabel sets the recorded media id of the tape which it fetches from the external media id obtained when we run the inventory?

    There is no such thing as an external media id - a media id is 100% virtual.

    This is correct.

    So bplabel sets the recorded media id of the tape which it creates from the external barcode  obtained when we run the inventory?

10 Replies


    When NB calls the tape for the first time the barcode is read and that same number is written to the tape as the Media id.  

    or you could just bplabel the tape putting the media id on it without doing a backup.

    Bplabel or when backup runs does the labelling by seeing what is the external media id obtained from inventory? and put that media id on the media header?



  • About the questions in your opening post: My question to you: Is this a real issue or another 'what if' question? If it was real, you would know that it is NOT fine and you would have an error message to post here, right? Questions in your second post were asked previously by NIKHIL in this forum. Please do a bit of a search - you will find the answer.
  • This is not strictly correct ...

    "When NB calls the tape for the first time the barcode is read and that same number is written to the tape as the Media id.  "

    This is correct ...

    "When NB calls the tape for the first time the barcode is read and that same number, or a slight varation of that numer as specified by the media id generation rule is written to the tape as the Media id.  "

    You already posted the answer to your question, I have just changed it slightly to make it 100% correct.

    Some 'homework' for you.

    1) Why do we physically write a media id to the media header on a tape ?

    2) Using the information below, what field am I talking about

    My tape changer on my test server does NOT have a barcode reader, and my tapes do NOT have physical barcodes on them.  NBU works fine and I can tell what tape is in the drive by running the vmoprcmd command.  In the vmoprcmd command, one of the fields is blank.  If I look at the vmoprcmd command from my colleagues server (that has a barcode reader), this field is NOT blank.





    This is correct ...

    "When NB calls the tape for the first time the barcode is read and that same number, or a slight varation of that numer as specified by the media id generation rule is written to the tape as the Media id.  "


    Above is when we do inventory.


    What bplabel does?It sets the internal media id obtained from media id generation rules of that media?

    1) Why do we physically write a media id to the media header on a tape ?

    So that NBU can recognize that tape.



    "When NB calls the tape for the first time the barcode is read and that same number, or a slight varation of that numer as specified by the media id generation rule is written to the tape as the Media id.  "


    Above is when we do inventory.

    No - why would an inventory want to label tapes.

    Think about the 'meaning' of the word 'Inventory' - forget NBU, "To check what is there and update records" would be an acceptable explanation of the word.

    I presume you have at some point put tapes into a library, run an inventory and then run some backups to your new tapes.  What did you notice - hopefully that you did not personally have to run bplabel, or label from with the GUI, it just worked right ?

    If you have not done this, you can accept my explanation above as being correct.

    Therefore, what does this tell you about when NBU labels a tape ?


    What bplabel does?It sets the internal media id obtained from media id generation rules of that media?

    More or less, yes.

    3) Why do we physically write a media id to the media header on a tape ?

    So that NBU can recognize that tape.

    Yes, I would say that is an acceptable answer.  Really, a better answer would be to say that it uses the media id written to the tape to perform a physical inventory (vmphyinv command) which is an inventory carried out by reading the headers on the tapes, as opposed to barcodes.

    BUT ...

    The real reason it is written to the tape, is so that NBU can check that the correct tape has been loaded into the drive before it starts to write to it, relabel it, or in fact do anything with it.

    There have been cases where certain companies (who I will NOT name) attempted to prevent legal investigations into their business by swapping barcode labels on backup tapes.  I DO NOT know if the software used was NBU or some other product.  Most if not all enterprise backup products write the media id (or whatever the term used by the other products) to the tape which prevents against this sort of thing.

  • When NB calls the tape for the first time the barcode is read and that same number, or a slight varation of that numer as specified by the media id generation rule is written to the tape header as the Media id.  "


    Is it correct?

  • Finally

    So bplabel sets the recorded media id of the tape which it fetches from the external media id obtained when we run the inventory?

  • I posted that a short time ago, having editted the orignal quote to make it 'more correct'.

    Do you actually think I would post something incorrect ?

  • Almost

    So bplabel sets the recorded media id of the tape which it fetches from the external media id obtained when we run the inventory?

    There is no such thing as an external media id - a media id is 100% virtual.

    This is correct.

    So bplabel sets the recorded media id of the tape which it creates from the external barcode  obtained when we run the inventory?