Forum Discussion

dhananjaya's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

Move client machine to another NB master server

Hi Guys

I have requirment to move a Netbackup client machine temparalry to another master server from it original . What are the steps that I need to follow to move this client ?

Is that just  change master server name in bp.conf file ? 

New Master server running on Windows

Existing client on Suse Linux


  • Q) Is that just  change master server name in bp.conf file ?

    A) Yes.


    You can achieve the same result by doing:

    1) Create a text file named:     mixed-server-entries.txt

    SERVER = new-master-name
    SERVER = old-master-name
    MEDIA_SERVER = media-server-a-name

    2) And add whatever other 'server' and/or media server entries you usually use.

    3) Save and close the text file.

    4) For the next step - I very much suggest that you already have the NetBackup binaries paths in your path.

    N.B: If you are working in the binaries folder and you goof with the next command then you could accidentally corrupt the binary command bpgetconfig.  Not good.  I very much suggest that no backup admin ever works in the binaries folder.

    N.B:  If you don't know how to setup 'paths' for folders - then post another forum question - and I will tell you how to achieve that for Unix/Linux/Windows.

    5) From the old environment, push the new server list to the client using the command:

    Windows:  > type mixed-server-entries.txt | bpsetconfig -h client-name
    Unix:     # cat  mixed-server-entries.txt | bpsetconfig -h client-name

    6) Now the client will respond to both master servers, and can be backed up by any server name listed in as either SERVER= or MEDIA_SERVER=

    N.B:  You can cause your backups to be useless IF both environments perform backups - so be sure that only one environment - either old - or new - is performing backups.

    7) When you are happy that the new environment can backup the client, then you cause the old master to be blocked by creating a new text file, named:   new-env-servers-only.txt

    SERVER = new-master-name
    MEDIA_SERVER = new-env-media-a

    8) And add any other server or media server entries for the new environment, and save and close the file.

    9) Again push the server list, but this can be done from either the new environment or the old environment, because the client is currently responding to both master servers.  So use the same bpsetconfig command but 'type' or 'cat' the filename for the final list of entries.

    N.B:  After this, the client will no longer repsond to the old backup environment.


    If you have many clients to update - I dare say that you could script it.

4 Replies

  • Q) Is that just  change master server name in bp.conf file ?

    A) Yes.


    You can achieve the same result by doing:

    1) Create a text file named:     mixed-server-entries.txt

    SERVER = new-master-name
    SERVER = old-master-name
    MEDIA_SERVER = media-server-a-name

    2) And add whatever other 'server' and/or media server entries you usually use.

    3) Save and close the text file.

    4) For the next step - I very much suggest that you already have the NetBackup binaries paths in your path.

    N.B: If you are working in the binaries folder and you goof with the next command then you could accidentally corrupt the binary command bpgetconfig.  Not good.  I very much suggest that no backup admin ever works in the binaries folder.

    N.B:  If you don't know how to setup 'paths' for folders - then post another forum question - and I will tell you how to achieve that for Unix/Linux/Windows.

    5) From the old environment, push the new server list to the client using the command:

    Windows:  > type mixed-server-entries.txt | bpsetconfig -h client-name
    Unix:     # cat  mixed-server-entries.txt | bpsetconfig -h client-name

    6) Now the client will respond to both master servers, and can be backed up by any server name listed in as either SERVER= or MEDIA_SERVER=

    N.B:  You can cause your backups to be useless IF both environments perform backups - so be sure that only one environment - either old - or new - is performing backups.

    7) When you are happy that the new environment can backup the client, then you cause the old master to be blocked by creating a new text file, named:   new-env-servers-only.txt

    SERVER = new-master-name
    MEDIA_SERVER = new-env-media-a

    8) And add any other server or media server entries for the new environment, and save and close the file.

    9) Again push the server list, but this can be done from either the new environment or the old environment, because the client is currently responding to both master servers.  So use the same bpsetconfig command but 'type' or 'cat' the filename for the final list of entries.

    N.B:  After this, the client will no longer repsond to the old backup environment.


    If you have many clients to update - I dare say that you could script it.

  • What type of backups are done for this client? If database backups, you will need to check backup scripts to see if master server is hardcoded in the script. Also check db-user's home directory for bp.conf. Next thing to check is forward and reverse name lookup between master and client and port connectivity. If the client is not on DNS, you will need to add hosts entries on server and client. If client needs to backup to media servers in new environment, add bp.conf entries for those as well and repeat lookup and connectivity tests. Remember to disable policies for this client on old master and create policy/policies for client on new master.
  • Hi Ado

    thanks for your details solution and I can manage to do that sucessfully. Now my backup is going on another master server. 

    What I just did change the SERVER in bp.conf file and add nessasary host enty in /etc/hosts file

    Everything went well.. thanks a lot...

  • Hi 

    this is just file system backup and I mange to do that eding bp.conf file

    thanks for ur suggesion and guidens. 

