Forum Discussion

Cesar_Jimenez's avatar
9 years ago

Move Media Servers to another Master Server

Hello, I have this posibility:

I have 4 Media Servers, 2 of them with an Oracle Agent. 

I need to move them to Master Server B, because Master Server A is going to be used for other applications.

Media, Master Servers and tape library are  in the same site.

Besides, I need to move the backups of this servers to Master Server B, because some backups have retention of 2 years

Here is the information of the machines:


- Master A:


OS Solaris 11 SPARC 

- Master B:

NB 7.6.1

Solaris 11 SPARC 


- Media Servers C,D  (Media Server Only)


Solaris 10

- Media Servers E,F (Media Server / Oracle Client)


Solaris 11


- Tape Library

IBM TS3500 with 4 LTO4 Tape Drives


Could you give me a solution for this movement? It would be my first time implementing this solution and it makes me nervous.

If I'm missing some more information do you need, please let me know.


Cesar Jimenez



  • I see two options.

    1) You should be able to do it yourself as long as Master B takes the name of Master A, and that the new master server that you create to replace it takes a new name.  i.e. you could perform a catalog restore of the catalog from Master A onto the server chassis that is to be the new Master A making it the new Master A, and then un-install NetBackup on the old Master A, and then re-install NetBackup Server on the old Master A chassis making it a new master with a new name. (plus quite a few other steps regarding the media servers, and even more steps if IP addresses are to change too).  If the domain name of the master is to change then it is quite likely that you'll need to follow option 2 below.

    2) If Master B already exists and you do not want to change the names of any master servers, then you will need to engage a certified profsessional, or certified profressional services company, who are certified in NetBackup catalog manipulation.  The reason is because it is not an end-user function to change the name of master servers.

    The actual steps involved are vastly different between each option.

    IMO, you would need to be fairly proficient already with NetBackup in order for you to have some degree of likelihood of success for option 1.  If you are not comfortable, or you are not willing to take the risk, or your backup data is critical to the business... then in either case you really might want to consider getting someone, or a certified partner, in to help you.

    No-one here will be able to give you a bullet-proof detailed plan, but we can help you with your thinking, considerations and planning, if you decide to go with option 1 above.

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  • Possibly relevant - depends how tight you are for space.  VTL thinking is almost exacly like tape thinking, one principal difference being that the total space and/or quantity of media is limited.  So, with Marianne's totally feasible plan you'll still have to manage the expiry of the virtual tapes manually yourself.

  • 2 master servers cannot use the same devices. Each master server need to have its own robot and tape drives - virtual or physical.