Forum Discussion

CKS's avatar
Level 2
9 years ago

MSDP AIR Replication fails in one direction

I've got a very strange Problem: When i try to initiate a Replication Job (SLP) from one Netbackup Domain to another I always receive an error message "_getURL_Worker: Failed to complete CURL webservice: Failed to connect to vie02s127.vie01.local port 443: Connection refused (connection actively refused). Ensure storage server services are running and operational. V-454-93". tcpdump also shows connection attemts on port 443 (vie02s127) There are no services listening on port 443 on this machine, so i have no clue.

Following Servers are in the configuration:


vie02s125 (Master)
vie02s126 (Media MSDP)

vie02s128 (Master)
vie02s127 (Media MSDP)
Replication works without errors from domain2->domain1, but refuses from domain1->domain2. Where can I continue debugging? Thank you very much



17.09.2015 13:07:00 - requesting resource LCM_*Remote*Master*:IMPORT
17.09.2015 13:07:01 - Info nbreplicate (pid=30717) Suspend window close behavior is not supported for nbreplicate
17.09.2015 13:07:01 - Info nbreplicate (pid=30717) window close behavior: Continue processing the current image
17.09.2015 13:07:01 - granted resource LCM_*Remote*Master*:IMPORT
17.09.2015 13:07:01 - started process RUNCMD (pid=30717)
17.09.2015 13:07:01 - requesting resource @aaaar
17.09.2015 13:07:01 - reserving resource @aaaar
17.09.2015 13:07:01 - resource @aaaar reserved
17.09.2015 13:07:01 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaar;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=Dedup_vie02s126;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=vie02s126;MediaServer=vie02s126
17.09.2015 13:07:02 - Info bpdm (pid=26485) started
17.09.2015 13:07:02 - started process bpdm (pid=26485)
17.09.2015 13:07:06 - Info vie02s126 (pid=26485) StorageServer=PureDisk:vie02s126; Report=PDDO Stats for (vie02s126): scanned: 4 KB, CR sent: 0 KB, CR sent over FC: 0 KB, dedup: 100.0%, cache disabled
17.09.2015 13:07:06 - Info vie02s126 (pid=26485) Using OpenStorage to replicate backup id svie0107_1442486482, media id @aaaar, storage server vie02s126, disk volume PureDiskVolume
17.09.2015 13:07:06 - Info vie02s126 (pid=26485) Replicating images to target storage server vie02s127.vie01.local, disk volume PureDiskVolume 17.09.2015 13:07:06 - Critical bpdm (pid=26485) Storage Server Error: (Storage server: PureDisk:vie02s127.vie01.local) _getURL_Worker: Failed to complete CURL webservice: Failed to connect to vie02s127.vie01.local port 443: Connection refused (connection actively refused). Ensure storage server services are running and operational. V-454-93
17.09.2015 13:07:06 - Critical bpdm (pid=26485) sts_open_target_server failed: error 2060029 authorization failure
17.09.2015 13:07:06 - Error nbreplicate (pid=30717) ReplicationJob::Replicate: Replication failed for backup id svie0107_1442486482: media manager - system error occurred (174)
17.09.2015 13:07:06 - Replicate failed for backup id svie0107_1442486482 with status 174 no images were successfully processed (191)

  • I found the solution:


    I don't know why, but after several tries to set up the replication using the GUI the "replication_host" was not shown when running:

    nbemmcmd -listhosts

    So I manually added the host with following command on the source-server:

    nbemmcmd -addhost -machinetype replication_host -machinename vie02s127


    and everything is perfect!!!

7 Replies

  • I found the solution:


    I don't know why, but after several tries to set up the replication using the GUI the "replication_host" was not shown when running:

    nbemmcmd -listhosts

    So I manually added the host with following command on the source-server:

    nbemmcmd -addhost -machinetype replication_host -machinename vie02s127


    and everything is perfect!!!

  • Moved to NetBackup forum as this is not related to separate PureDisk product.
  • Not sure why a replication would need to call to webservice.. on remote MSDP.

    What Netbackup version? What OS platform? Has it ever worked before?

    Did bpdm core dump or anything? 

  • Hi CKS

         How did you config slp on both site?

  • Just to add more when I am thinking of the mysterious "webservice"...

    Quite likely your vie02s127 is a appliance media server?  If so, that web server would make sense because there is a GUI, just like the legacy Puredisk server.

    For that, I would try restart all netbackup services on vie02s127 to see if this somehow fix its connection from the source. This error message is however a bit confusing because as mentioned before, replication does not really need to talk to web server/service.

  • Yes - of course there are SLP both sites (configured symmetically)

    vie02s127 is an ordinary Netbackup-Mediaserver with Puredisk MSDP (no applicance!), all systems are version, OS is Redhat 6.

    I know there shouldn`t be communication on port 443 - that's why I'm confused and not sure which logfile I should look at.


  • On the source MSDP media server, check:

    /<storage path>/log/spad/replication.log
    /<storage path>/log/spoold/<server>/bpdm/