Forum Discussion

charithv's avatar
Level 2
3 years ago

MSDP catalog backup drcontrol command doesn't work

I tried to configure a new policy for msdp catalog with the drcontrol command from the media server. But it does not give any response and cannot see the policy created from the java console as well.

Command : /usr/openv/pdde/pdcr/bin/drcontrol --new_policy --residence BasicDisk01 --policy CDC_MSDP_Catalog_Backup


4 Replies

  • Redhat linux OS is hardened with the CIS policy. Could this be a cause for this issue ?

    • rmeh's avatar
      Level 1

      I had the same issue on the hardened Oracle linux. You have to change /tmp mount point, remove "noexec" in /etc/fstab. For example:


      /dev/mapper/vg/tmp /tmp xfs defaults,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0


      /dev/mapper/vg/tmp /tmp xfs defaults,nodev,nosuid 0 0

  • Hi prasannad

    Thanks for the reply. But there is no such a log file in that directory.

  • drcontrol utility writes log files to the following directory, in the Media server. 

