MSDP Storage server config error - credentials already exist
Lab environment with Windows Master and Media, NBU8.
Adding media server as MSDP storage server. Goofed the first attempt (no directories added after drive letters), went back in wizard and fixed that problem, but ever since have received "Credentials alredy exist(99)" failure.
I've restarted services on master and media, media server as MSDP storage server does NOT appear as a storage server in either the GUI or with nbdevquery -liststs (media server only shows as basicdisk and as an advancedisk that I configured earlier)
Running PDDE_deleteConfig.bat on the media server fails because the EtcPath variable is not being set by the script.
Any guidance?
use tpconfig to delete the credentials from the master server. After that, you can also clean up the storage server from the configuration (if it exists) using nbemmcmd.