Forum Discussion

Lbellefeuille's avatar
8 years ago

Multiple retention period on media

Hi everyone, here is the situation.

I have hundreds of policies that can be grouped to 3 different retention period, 2 months, 6 months and 1 year.  I noticed that on many tapes i have a fragment of 1 year retention mixed with 2 months which is bad because this "freeze" the media for the whole year.  I know that netbackup segregate backup by retention periods (backups that expire at different periods of time are not placed on the same tape) and i have checked that the global option "Allow multiple retentions per media" is not enabled so does anyone have a clue of how can this be ? I have looked inside many policies and cannot determine what can cause this...

One other thing, daily, weekly and monthly schedules are multiplexed for the most part.


  • As far as my knowledge goes, the setting ccan be done per media server,
    So, if you have more than one media server, check Media tab for all of them.

    It is also quite possible that 'someone' has enabled this at some point in time and then de-selected the option again at a later stage.

    NBU will never do this by itself.


2 Replies

  • As far as my knowledge goes, the setting ccan be done per media server,
    So, if you have more than one media server, check Media tab for all of them.

    It is also quite possible that 'someone' has enabled this at some point in time and then de-selected the option again at a later stage.

    NBU will never do this by itself.


    • Lbellefeuille's avatar
      Level 4

      Hello Marianne, again you were right.  3 of the media servers had this option enabled, i don't know why.... I unselected it and will watch the next Backup job.
