Forum Discussion

susindran_surul's avatar
13 years ago

NB upgrade is failing

Hi Team,


I have installed 7.5 base package and tried to upgrade and its failling with below error.I have increase swap space to 3GB and created openv for soft link to other file system...

I can able to install 7.5 without any problem but its failling with below error message for one help me to fix the issue.


Note:I have tried for NB_TMPDIR=/usr/openv/tmp; export NB_TMPDIR and increase swap space as well.


cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_disk_config_global", errno 28, No space left on device
cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_disk_config_ssod", errno 28, No space left on device
cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_disk_config_stse", errno 28, No space left on device
cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_main_menu", errno 28, No space left on device
cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_print_entries", errno 28, No space left on device
cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_robot_update", errno 28, No space left on device
cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_special_action", errno 28, No space left on device
cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_update_options", errno 28, No space left on device
cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_vault_menu", errno 28, No space left on device
cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/misc/README", errno 28, No space left on device
1959563 blocks
1070 error(s)
pkgadd: ERROR: attempt to process datastream failed
    - process </usr/bin/cpio -icdumD -C 512> failed, exit code 127
pkgadd: ERROR: unable to unpack datastream
Installation of <SYMCnetbp> failed (internal error).
No changes were made to the system.
Failed to install SYMCnetbp on 
Cannot complete the install.
========== Unpacking package ==========
x .pkg_defaults, 151 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x SYMCnetbp.pkg, 1003410432 bytes, 1959786 tape blocks
== Checking for pre-existing package ==
package SYMCnetbp is not installed
========= Installing package ==========
Extract of /diskbkp1/NB_7.5/NB_7.5.0.1/VrtsNB_7.5.0.1.solaris.tar.gz failed
Pack NB_7.5.0.1 install incomplete.
Installation of pack NB_7.5.0.1 FAILED Thu Jul 12 23:47:01 GMT 2012 Rev.
Exiting NB_update.install
My system config...
$ uname -a
SunOS  5.10 Generic_147440-06 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R
$ df -h
Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
/dev/dsk/c3t0d0s0      6.9G   4.7G   2.1G    69%    /
/devices                 0K     0K     0K     0%    /devices
ctfs                     0K     0K     0K     0%    /system/contract
proc                     0K     0K     0K     0%    /proc
mnttab                   0K     0K     0K     0%    /etc/mnttab
swap                   4.2G   968K   4.2G     1%    /etc/svc/volatile
objfs                    0K     0K     0K     0%    /system/object
sharefs                  0K     0K     0K     0%    /etc/dfs/sharetab
                       6.9G   4.7G   2.1G    69%    /platform/sun4u-us3/lib/
                       6.9G   4.7G   2.1G    69%    /platform/sun4u-us3/lib/sparcv9/
fd                       0K     0K     0K     0%    /dev/fd
swap                   1.0G   1.5M  1022M     1%    /tmp
swap                   4.2G    32K   4.2G     1%    /var/run
/dev/dsk/emcpower0a    3.2T   3.0T   149G    96%    /diskbkp1
/dev/dsk/emcpower2a    2.0T   1.8T   141G    94%    /diskbkp3
/dev/dsk/emcpower1a    1.5T   1.4T   116G    93%    /diskbkp2
Below is link file i have created to other file system because of /usr space issues....
$ cd /usr
$ ls -l openv
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other         15 Jul 12 21:22 openv -> /diskbkp1/openv
  • Speedfreaks advice from personal experience certainly seems worth exploring....

    Please also change this variable:


    to /diskbkp3/tmp

10 Replies

  • Is this related to previous failed installation?


    Please show us your 7.5 installation log.

    Look for it in /usr/openv/tmp/install_trace.#####

    (there should be symbolic link in place to find installation log in actual path).

    Please rename the file to install_trace.txt and upload as File attachment.

    The correct way to install NBU in different path on Solaris is as follows:


    NetBackup and Media Manager binaries will be installed
    in /opt/openv and a link will be created from /usr/openv
    to opt/openv, if it does not exist.
    Is this okay? (y) [y, n,?, q]

    To change the installation location, type n and press Enter.
    Then enter the appropriate destination.
    PS: Please close previous thread by selecting a post that has helped you and Mark As Solution
  • Hi Marianne,


    Thanks for your help.Please find the my installation logs in attachment..I have given yes on below steps but dont no how installation completed successfully.Please check my installation log and let us know shall i go for reinstallation as per your steps.



    in /opt/openv and a link will be created from /usr/openv
    to opt/openv, if it does not exist.
    Is this okay? (y) [y, n,?, q]
  • I am unable to open the zip-file - tried WinZip, 7-zip, WinRar...

    "The archive is either in unknown format or damaged"

  • Thanks for re-posting installation log. Everythings seems fine - from alternate installation location up to package installation, creation of databases and startup of daemons.

    Installation of <SYMCnetbp> was successful.


    Installation of SYMCnbclt was successful.


    Installation of SYMCnbjre was successful.


    PDDE install finished successfully.


    Database [NBDB] validation successful.
    Database [NBDB] is alive and well on server [NB_kuujuak].


    NetBackup server installation complete.


    Now, back to your opening post:

    Note:I have tried for NB_TMPDIR=/usr/openv/tmp; export NB_TMPDIR and increase swap space as well.

    1. Please specify TMPDIR variable as /usr/openv/tmp - see

     Please also check patch install script for TMPDIR variable.
    2. Increased swap space is reflected here:
    swap                   4.2G    32K   4.2G     1%    /var/run
    but not in /tmp ?
    swap                   1.0G   1.5M  1022M     1%    /tmp








  • No luck Marianne..

    I have set variable in my profile..

    Vi .profile


    export NB_TMPDIR
    $ echo $NB_TMPDIR
    As per the below variable defined in script my side is ok :-
    # If NB_TMPDIR is set in the user's environment, use that first.
    # If it is not set, use TMPDIR if it is set else default to /tmp.
    if [ "${NB_TMPDIR}" != "" ] ; then
    export TMPDIR
    But getting below error message at the time of last installation:-
    Machine kuujuak is a master server, and it is the EMMSERVER.
    Saving files for rollback.
    Extracting files out of /diskbkp1/NB_7.5/NB_7.5.0.1/VrtsNB_7.5.0.1.solaris.tar.gz.
    Unpacking SYMCnetbp package.
    Checking for pre-existing SYMCnetbp package.
    Removing pre-existing SYMCnetbp package.
    Installing SYMCnetbp package.
    Processing package instance <SYMCnetbp> from </tmp/nb_pkg/SYMCnetbp.pkg>
    NetBackup and Media Manager(sparc)
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/db/lib/", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/db/lib/", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/db/lib/", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/db/lib/", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/db/lib/", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/db/lib/", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/db/lib/", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/db/res/dblgen11.res", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/db/res/dbusen.res", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/db/res/sqlany.cvf", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_disk_config_stse", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_main_menu", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_print_entries", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_robot_update", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_special_action", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_update_options", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/help/vmadm_vault_menu", errno 28, No space left on device
    cpio: Cannot write "reloc/openv/volmgr/misc/README", errno 28, No space left on device
    1959563 blocks
    1070 error(s)
    pkgadd: ERROR: attempt to process datastream failed
        - process </usr/bin/cpio -icdumD -C 512> failed, exit code 127
    pkgadd: ERROR: unable to unpack datastream
    Installation of <SYMCnetbp> failed (internal error).
    No changes were made to the system.
    Failed to install SYMCnetbp on kuujuak.
    Cannot complete the install.
    ========== Unpacking package ==========
    x .pkg_defaults, 151 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x SYMCnetbp.pkg, 1003410432 bytes, 1959786 tape blocks
    == Checking for pre-existing package ==
    application SYMCnetbp NetBackup and Media Manager
    ==== Removing pre-existing package ====
    Removal of <SYMCnetbp> was successful.
    ========= Installing package ==========
    Extract of /diskbkp1/NB_7.5/NB_7.5.0.1/VrtsNB_7.5.0.1.solaris.tar.gz failed
    Pack NB_7.5.0.1 install incomplete.
    Installation of pack NB_7.5.0.1 FAILED Sat Jul 14 01:07:36 GMT 2012 Rev.
    There are stopped daemons.
        Do you want to restart all NetBackup daemons? [y,n] (y) y
    Starting vnetd...
    Starting bpcd...
    Starting nbftclnt...
    Starting bmrbd...
    Exiting NB_update.install
    $ ^C
    Please help me to fix the issue?


  • Has all the steps followed as mentioned in TN in my previous post. Also how this package was copied to NBU server

    FTP ???

    If using FTP then what mode was selected ASCII or BIRNARY i'd similar issue with MSEO on Solaris, despite providing ample space it used to return with same error "cpio : insufficient space". We did FTP again with binary and it went smooth. There was issue with file transfer with ASCII mode

    Check if that helps

  • Speedfreaks advice from personal experience certainly seems worth exploring....

    Please also change this variable:


    to /diskbkp3/tmp

  • Speed freak :- I already tried for setting varaiable but it did't worked and i have copied package using scp..already one master server we have installaed same package..thete is no issue with package.Thnaks for your support speedfreak :-)


    Hi Marianne,

    I have made the changes in script and hope upgration compltd successfully..Thanks you very much for your entire support.. :-)



    Looking for more NetBackup processes that need to be terminated.
    Stopping nbrb...
    Stopping nbemm...
    Stopping nbevtmgr...
    Stopping VxDBMS database server ...
    Installation of pack NB_7.5.0.1 completed Sat Jul 14 15:14:14 GMT 2012 Rev.
    Checking LiveUpdate registration for the following products: NB CLT
    This may take a few minutes.
    Product NB is installed and will be registered.
    Product CLT_Solaris-X64 is installed and will be registered.
    Updating LiveUpdate registration now...this may take some time.
    There are 2 packs available in /diskbkp1/NB_7.5/NB_7.5.0.1:
    (* denotes installed pack)
            NB_7.5.0.1 *
            NB_CLT_7.5.0.1 *
    Enter pack name (or q) [q]: q
    There are stopped daemons.
        Do you want to restart all NetBackup daemons? [y,n] (y) y
    Starting nbatd...
    Starting vnetd...
    Starting bpcd...
    Starting nbftclnt...
    Starting VxDBMS database server...
    Starting nbazd...
    Starting nbevtmgr...
    Starting nbaudit...
    Starting spad...
    Starting spoold...
    Starting nbemm...
    Starting nbrb...
    Starting ltid...
    Starting bprd...
    Starting bpcompatd...
    Starting nbjm...
    Starting nbpem...
    Starting nbstserv...
    Starting nbim...
    Starting nbrmms...
    Starting nbkms...
    Starting nbsl...
    Starting nbars...
    Starting bmrd...
    Starting nbvault...
    Starting nbcssc...
    Starting nbsvcmon...
    Starting bmrbd...
    Exiting NB_update.install
    Could not download
    , cannot connect to
    Unable to download file or determine URL