Forum Discussion

rchandr's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

NBCC Error while upgrading from 6.x to 7.x

Hi all,

I ran the NBCC Download tool on my Unix master server installed on Solaris 10.

I got CONSISTENCY_ERROR Integ_5_1 after running the tool.

I installed it in the /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/support location and ran the tool.

Any help would be much appreciated.

  • You have to contact Symantec support so they can run the nbcc output through the nbcca analysis tool. It is not possible to fix nbcc issues without this procedure. Martin

8 Replies

  • You have to contact Symantec support so they can run the nbcc output through the nbcca analysis tool. It is not possible to fix nbcc issues without this procedure. Martin
  • This is the meaning of 5_1

    Check if the Media server for this Media id is down. If yes then please up the Media server and try to run the NBCC once again.
    If we are unable to locate the Media server / or the Media server has been decommissioned then please run the following command:
    bpmedia -movedb -ev <media_id> -oldserver <old server name> -newserver <new server name>

    A requirement to run nbcc successfully is that all the media servers are available - if one (or more) is down/ unavailable then this could be causing the 5_1.  Another possible cause is an incorrectly decommissioned media servers.

    Running nbcc just shows the codes, without running the output through the nbcca tool (internal only ) we can't tell which tapes are affected - so my first post is still valid - log a call.

    FYI - this issue would not cause a problem for an upgrade.  In fact, I don't think any NBCC issue would cause a problem for an upgrade from 6.x to 7.x.  Upgrade issue (due to nbcc problems) were really only an issue when upgrading from 5.x to 6.x


  • We were asked to run the NBCCR tool after the analysis of NBCC output file. There were many inconsistences found and asked us to run the suggested repair tool... 

    What will be the action plan after the successfull execution of NBCC utility?

  • The engineer should have gone through the SRA file before sending to you, to make sure there are no unexpected issues.

    Once you have the SRA file, you run NBCCR which will read in the SRA file and apply the fixes.

    You then re-run NBCC and send it back, and the process is repeated until all issues are resolved.

    1.  This cycle can repeat numerous times, it is not possible to say how many 'goes' are needed, it depends on how many issues there are, how dissicult they are to fix, how the engineer approaches the problems etc ..

    Persoanlly, if there are many issues, I breake them into groups (for example multiple tapes/ images but with the same problem) - fix the 'easy' ones first and then tackle the 'hard' ones.

    If many issues, I would not advise a fellow TSW to try and fix them in one go, take it in sections.

    2.  The end result is not always to fix every issue, but to 'benchmark' the system so thatg any issues that 'might' remain are known and recorded.

    Usually, apart from frozen tapes (that we can never advise to unfreeze unless you know why they were frozen) the other issues are fixed.


  • The inconsistenceies were due to the FROZEN media which was assigned to the robot. Support guys asked us to re-run the NBCC utility to clear the inconsistenceis. But he also adviced this NBCC errors will not give very high impact during/after the upgrade. 

    So we have planned to remove those media from the library as it doesnt contain any data.

    What would be the next plan of action?


  • We were using media's which were configured to a different tape lib. After removing the media from the old tape library , we direcly added the media to the exisiting tape library.

    But we forgot to remove the tape id from media database. Later we ran the inventroy and installed the devices.

  • "What would be the next plan of action?"

    If the NBCC issues have either been explained/ justified / fixed, then there is no further plan, the NBCC issue is 'complete'.

  • "But he also adviced this NBCC errors will not give very high impact during/after the upgrade. "

    I don't know of ANY nbcc issue that would impact an upgrade from 6.x to 7.x  ...  BUT, with the DB migration in 7.5, I would be tempted to run it, just in case.

    Providing you are not going to 7.5, then nbcc issues would just move across with the upgrade.  UPgrading from 5.x would be a different matter, and is the reason NBCC was written.
