Forum Discussion

HaysAdmin's avatar
17 years ago

NBU 6.5.2 Vault reports problems

Hi All


After upgrading from Netbackup 6.0 MP5 to 6.5.2 the vault reports can’t be modified.

When I open the vault profile I can browse and change all options except the vault report options.


The moment I click on any part of the box to change where/how the reports deliver it throws up an error box with "An invalid argument was encountered". This then closes the vault profile and hangs the administrator console. The only way I can kill it is through task manager.


This only started happening since I upgraded to 6.5.2 as it was working fine with 6.0.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





3 Replies

  • Eugene,

    Have you heard anything on this issue? I am having the exact same issue.


    I was working with Symantec on why the Vault reports were not being generated and the Vault jobs would never finish. It boiled down to an e-mail issue. Yesterday I changed the email address the reports are sent to and so far the jobs are working. However, I still get the same invalid argument from the reports tab on most of my vault profiles.



  • Howdy,  I just found that I am having this same issue.  I upgraded from 6.0MP5 to 6.5.2a in November.  I actually modified my Vault Policies in early December with no problem, but I did it by copying the existing policy to a new one so I wouldn't lose the existing configuration. 


    So I edited various settings in the copy and enabled the policy, but I never tried to modify the reports settings until today.  Has anyone found a fix for this yet?

  • Not sure when this started failing on me, but now I am on 6.5.3, and have 2 Vaults, each with 2 profiles. I had the issue only on one of the profiles. (it was the original profile created way back). To "fix" I tried to delete the profile giving me the problem, then just recreate...did NOT work. Same invalid argument error whenever I tried to alter the reporting tab info. Finally I deleted the vault entry (where the profile is stored under), then recreated it again along with a new profile. That seemed to fix it.