NBU Catalog Migrate from 7.0.1 to 7.7
Hi Team,
We are planning to upgrade NBU Master 7.0.1 to 7.7 and then to 8.1. Currently NBU 7.0.1 is running on Windows Server 2003 32 bit Operating system. As we are targeting NBU to latest version 8.1 which does not support 32 bit OS, we must perform a clean installation of 64 bit OS Win2003 and then plan for upgrade.
1. If i directly perform clean install of Windows server 2008 R2 64 bit OS on the same server and install NBU 7.0.1
The quetstion here is, can i restore NBU 7.0.1 (Windows Server 2003) catalog in NBU 7.0.1 (Windows Server 2008) ?
Please advise
Yes, you can restore NBU catalog 7.0.1 from one Windows flavor to another, even 64-bit one, provided it's still NBU 7.0.1, however you have to maintain paths, watch out for Program Files correct name if you use default path