Forum Discussion

ravin_a's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

NBU combined commands

I want to pull down a report from the master server in the below format, can I have support?


Client Name  Policy Name Policy (Active/Not)  Backup Selections 

------------------  ------------------ ---------------------------  ------------------------------

  • You would need to script something that extracted the fiedls you want from the bppllist -allpolcies commands

    I guess if you are on Solaris you could grep the output selecting Policy Name:, Client Name:, Active:, and Include:

  • Starter for 10 ...

     bppllist -allpolicies |awk '/^CLIENT|^CLASS|^INCLUDE/{print $0}'

    Quite difficult to 'format' nicely ... - quite a lot of work I think to do that.

    Suggest using opscenter



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