Forum Discussion

Shaun_Taylor's avatar
12 years ago

NBU Logs Folder Contents

As part of troubleshooting support cases a while ago, I was asked to run mklogdir.bat to create the log directories on all of my NBU servers. This did what was needed at the time, but now I find that if I'm enabling verbose logs for specific processes I run out of disk space very quickly. Ideally I'd like to clear out the log folders so that I can keep as much disk space free as possible for the necessary logs that I actually want to collect at any one time.


Although the readme in the logs folder provides some great information around logs and the individual processes, I just wanted to confirm that I'm ok to go ahead and delete the majority of directories that exist currently. Are there any folders aside from the ALTPATH directory that I should keep? For example, I don't think that the user_ops directory is created by mklogdir.bat.

  • The only ones your really need are user_ops and admin

    You can shutdown NetBackup and remove the rest if you wish

    In 7.5 the unified logging may well recreate the ones if needs anyway and in view of the default it is handy to use vxlogcfg to controll the maximum number and size of the log files created as they can get pretty big

    Having said that bpcd on a client is always useful and bpcd, bptm and bpbrm on a Media Server are always handy

    Hope this helps

4 Replies

  • The only ones your really need are user_ops and admin

    You can shutdown NetBackup and remove the rest if you wish

    In 7.5 the unified logging may well recreate the ones if needs anyway and in view of the default it is handy to use vxlogcfg to controll the maximum number and size of the log files created as they can get pretty big

    Having said that bpcd on a client is always useful and bpcd, bptm and bpbrm on a Media Server are always handy

    Hope this helps

  • Leave ALTPATH and user_ops, delete the others. You may need to stop Netbackup before you can delete the debug catalog  because Netbackup has open files in those catalogs.

    For the next debug session you may wan to enable roboust logging to prevent disk full conditions


  • hi 

    you can go -ahead and delete majority of the log directories,  yes you can.

    you can keep the user ops.

    and also please make sure that the VERBOSE = 0 in registory.

    better way is, create a log directory , based on the requirement other than running mklogdir.bat.

    like if you need to log of bpcd , just create a directory of bpcd nothing more.

  • All great answers, thank you. I'll definitely clear the directories out, and using robust logging for the legacy logs will hopefully help me to keep some disk space free.