Forum Discussion

justjuls's avatar
Level 3
2 years ago

NDMP error 99 and 114


What causing the error 99 and 114 ?

Sometimes backups are running fine and sometimes not.

I already cancel all corrupted SLP's and run a full-force as a baseline but still same error persist.

Do i need to delete the track logs first in media server then run full -force?

Thank you for your help!

Jun 7, 2023 12:15:49 PM - Info nbjm (pid=13628) starting backup job (jobid=3432810) for client xxxxxxxxxxxx, policy xxxxxxxxxxxx, schedule Full_Forced
Jun 7, 2023 12:15:49 PM - Info nbjm (pid=13628) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=3432810, request id:{F07FE3E3-3619-4179-8FF6-039783250420})
Jun 7, 2023 12:15:49 PM - requesting resource  xxxxxxxxxxx-stu
Jun 7, 2023 12:15:49 PM - requesting resource  master_hostname.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.xxxxxxxxxxxx
Jun 7, 2023 12:15:49 PM - requesting resource  master_hostname.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.xxxxxxxxxxxx
Jun 7, 2023 12:15:49 PM - granted resource  master_hostname.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.xxxxxxxxxxxx
Jun 7, 2023 12:15:49 PM - granted resource  master_hostname.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.xxxxxxxxxxxx
Jun 7, 2023 12:15:49 PM - granted resource  MediaID=@aaabK;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=diskpool_name;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=storage_name;MediaServer=media-server_name
Jun 7, 2023 12:15:49 PM - granted resource  xxxxxxxxxxx-stu
Jun 7, 2023 12:15:49 PM - estimated 0 kbytes needed
Jun 7, 2023 12:15:49 PM - Info nbjm (pid=13628) started backup (backupid=xxxxxxxxxxxx_1686154069) job for client xxxxxxxxxxxx, policy xxxxxxxxxxxx, schedule Full_Forced on storage unit xxxxxxxxxxx-stu
Jun 7, 2023 12:15:50 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=165545) The data-in-transit encryption (DTE) is disabled for the client (media-server_name) as the global DTE mode is set to 'Preferred Off' and the client DTE mode is set to 'Automatic'
Jun 7, 2023 12:15:50 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=165545) The data-in-transit encryption (DTE) is disabled for the client (media-server_name) as the global DTE mode is set to 'Preferred Off' and the client DTE mode is set to 'Automatic'
Jun 7, 2023 12:15:50 PM - started process bpbrm (pid=165545)
Jun 7, 2023 12:15:51 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=165545) xxxxxxxxxxxx is the host to backup data from
Jun 7, 2023 12:15:51 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=165545) reading file list for client
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:11 PM - Info ndmpagent (pid=165642) xxxxxxxxxxxx: DUMP: Using NBU_xxxxxxxxxxxx_1686154149 snapshot
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:12 PM - Info ndmpagent (pid=165642) xxxxxxxxxxxx: DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump snapshot: Wed Jun  7 12:09:09 2023.
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:12 PM - Info ndmpagent (pid=165642) xxxxxxxxxxxx: DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch.
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:12 PM - Info ndmpagent (pid=165642) xxxxxxxxxxxx: DUMP: Dumping /xxxxxxxxxxxx/nas_volume_name/.snapshot/NBU_xxxxxxxxxxxx_1686154149/ to NDMP connection
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:12 PM - Info ndmpagent (pid=165642) xxxxxxxxxxxx: DUMP: mapping (Pass I)[regular files] 
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:42 PM - Info ndmpagent (pid=165642) xxxxxxxxxxxx: DUMP: Reference time for next incremental dump is : Wed Jun  7 11:12:27 2023.
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:42 PM - Info ndmpagent (pid=165642) xxxxxxxxxxxx: DUMP: mapping (Pass II)[directories]
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:56 PM - Info ndmpagent (pid=165642) xxxxxxxxxxxx: DUMP: estimated 13713234222 KB.
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:56 PM - Info ndmpagent (pid=165642) xxxxxxxxxxxx: DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:56 PM - Error ndmpagent (pid=165642) NDMP backup failed, path = /xxxxxxxxxxxx/nas_volume_name
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:56 PM - Error ndmpagent (pid=165642) xxxxxxxxxxxx: DUMP: Error: Write to socket failed
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:57 PM - Error ndmpagent (pid=165642) xxxxxxxxxxxx: DUMP: Error: DUMP IS ABORTED
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:57 PM - Error ndmpagent (pid=165642) xxxxxxxxxxxx: DATA: Operation terminated (for /xxxxxxxxxxxx/nas_volume_name/.snapshot/NBU_xxxxxxxxxxxx_1686154149/).
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:58 PM - Info bptm (pid=165661) EXITING with status 99 <----------
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:58 PM - Info media-server_name (pid=165661) StorageServer=PureDisk:storage_name; Report=PDDO Stats for (storage_name): scanned: 6144 KB, CR sent: 535 KB, CR sent over FC: 0 KB, dedup: 91.3%, cache disabled, where dedup space saving:23.7%, compression space saving:67.6%
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:58 PM - Error bpbrm (pid=165545) could not send server status message to client
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:58 PM - Info ndmpagent (pid=0) done. status: 99: NDMP backup failure
Jun 7, 2023 12:17:58 PM - end writing; write time: 0:02:04
NDMP backup failure  (99)

2 Replies

  • Hey

    Please enable logging on the NAS filer and check this end.

    I trust you know for what stands these error codes:

    bperror -S 99
    NDMP backup failure
    The paths in your NDMP policy file list did not back up successfully. One of the following occurred:
    * None of the backup paths exist on the NDMP host.
    * An NDMP backup uses a wildcard character that points to a file, not a file path.

    bperror -S 114
    unimplemented error code
    This error should not occur. If nbjm received a negative error number, status 114 is issued.

    Logging on NDMP device should shed a light... 

    • justjuls's avatar
      Level 3



      Issue resolved by clearing all track logs from master and all media servers that uses by NAS backups.