Forum Discussion

John_Deackman's avatar
11 years ago

Need a 3rd copy of a backup...

I have a sitiuation...

I have a small DataDomain(DD) at and outside location.

I backup to the small DD at the outside location, and then I duplicate it in a SLP to the corporate DD.

We just installed a larger DD at the same outside location.

I now need to expire the "Copy 2" version on the Corporate DD so I can run the following command to get copy 2 to the new larger DD at the outside location.

bpduplicate -Bidfile D:\tmp\bpidfile_DD01_1.txt -dstunit dd02-su -dp NetBackup -L D:\tmp\dup_logfile_dd01_1.txt

So now I have 2 copies again, but both are at the outside location.  How do I get a 3rd copy to the Corporate DD?

This process only allows a Primary and Copy 2 with this command...  Do I have to make the bigger new DD copies the Primary Copy, then expire the old DD copies, and then run the command again to get a second copy on the Corporate DD?


  • By default the maximum number of backup copies in netbackup is set to 2. Go to master server host properties and change the maximum backup copies setting to 3. Then you can run the bpduplicate command to create the 3rd copy. You would find the settings in Host Properties > Master Server > Global settings

4 Replies

  • By default the maximum number of backup copies in netbackup is set to 2. Go to master server host properties and change the maximum backup copies setting to 3. Then you can run the bpduplicate command to create the 3rd copy. You would find the settings in Host Properties > Master Server > Global settings
  • You forgot to mention your NBU version?

    Recent NBU versions (e.g. 7.5) has a default setting of 5 Global Attributes ->  Maximum backup copies.

    This value can be increased to a maximum of 10.

    (See NBU Admin Guide I, Chapter 3)

  • As long as you allow more than two copies as covered above then you should be able to use a similar command to create the 3rd copy

    You can add the -cn to select where it comes from or even use the -number_copies switch to create the 2nd and 3rd at the same time

    Double check all options in the NetBackup Commands Guide

  • Sorry Marianne, my bad. I am using I did what Amol, you and the others said. Thank you all!