Forum Discussion

Admin_NBU's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Need a script for finding Non duplicated images daily basis

Hi All,

I Need a script for pull the non duplicated images from catalog  daily basis. Please help me to wirte script.

Version : Netbackup 6.5.5

OS : Windows

  • vltrun yourprofilename -preview

    This creates the preview.list file in the session directory for this run

    Hope this helps

8 Replies

  • If you want a better control over images duplication I will recommend you to use SLP's, using Vault to duplicate is not a good idea because there is no control or scheduling over the images and to script it is realy hard, in the other hand with SLP's you can very easy know which images are not been duplicated just with one command (nbstlutil list -image_incomplete -l) from here writing a small script that will give you total backlog or count of images pending to be duplicated is quite easy, just something like:



    function DataDumps
     nbstlutil list -l -image_incomplete > $SLP_DUMP



    function GetTotalBklog
            awk '
                    if ($2=="F") {SUM+=$14}
            END {
                    printf ("%-30s%.2f TB\n\n", "Total Backlog ", SUM/1024/1024/1024/1024 ) 
            }' $SLP_DUMP

    } 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/slp_report.out >/dev/null




    If you go through the SLP solution is way easier to script and capture data.

    Hope this helps.


  • Are you using basic disk staging or advanced (enterprise disk)?

    If you are using enterprise disk and storage lifecycle policies just run:

    netbackup\bin\admincmd\nbstlutil stlilist -image_incomplete -l

  • You maybe able to do this with the bpduplicate.exe command.

    It has options that would allow you to list all backup images created in the past 24 hours, and you can specify to only list copy1 images. (duplicated images would be tagged as copy2).

    You can look up the exact parameters for bpduplicate.exe in the Netbackup commands reference guide.

    Once you got down the exact command+parameters that would give you the results you want, you may want to put it in a cmd script file and use the Windows scheduler to run it everyday, saving the output to a file.



  • Thans for your responce .........


    We are using Vault for duplicating images from Datadomian to physical tape library..Please some one give me a script to find the non duplicated images.

  • vltrun yourprofilename -preview

    This creates the preview.list file in the session directory for this run

    Hope this helps

  • You are welcome - dont forget that is one of the asnwers has solved you issue to mark it as a solution to help those search a similar answer in the future

  • Are you trying to automate the report?  With each vault, you can generate a report of non-vaulted images.

    You should be able to manually run these reports using the 'C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\vltopmenu.exe' command and selecting 'Run Individual Reports', then 'Non-vaulted Images'.

    SLPs are better for some tasks.  I use vaults, too.  I haven't researched how to do ejects with SLPs, but I think this thread ( has some information.

    If you need it automated, there are ways to automate, but I think this report is what you're looking for.

    According to one technote (TECH30113,, the command bpimagelist would be what you would need to script, specifying the date/time range:

    c:\program files\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd\bpimagelist -X -d 01/01/2012 -e 05/14/2012.

    Note that I have not had any success in listing any non-vaulted images in my environment using this, but behaviour may have changed in NBU 7.1 and I don't think I have any non-vaulted images yet.