Forum Discussion

dav1's avatar
Level 3
7 years ago

need to fetch backup report of all clients /jobs from data domain

Hi Team,

How we fetch backup report of all clients /jobs from data domain ?

How we get pre-compress report and post compress report from DD?

How we can move data from EMC dada domain to Elastic cloud storage (ECS). what are the pre-requisites.

  • Hi Dav1,

    For item 1, you'll have to go to Dell/EMC depending what your client wants.  You said you need backup reports from the DD - correct?  If NetBackup is the one actually running the backup jobs, and only using DD as your storage - how is DD going to know anything at all about backup jobs?  DD can only (hopefully) report on the type of jobs it is doing, which aren't backup jobs (guessing they may be replication, duplication, dedupe, filesystem type jobs).  That's all based on my guess that your NetBackup Master is driving everything and your DD's are effectively your Media Servers.

    I did see this company ( has released some reporting products for DD, but once again it depends what type of reports you need, and also if NetBackup is running the jobs, DD won't know about those.

    The document that talks about compression that I linked, certainly does have reporting on compression included.  Look at this section again (there is even a pre and post compression report example included):

    2. Compression: System Overall Effect

    The system-wide overall compression effect is measured by the system effective compression ratio, which is the ratio of the user data size to the size of used physical space. It is reported by the "filesys show compression" (FSC) CLI command (the corresponding information is also available on GUI).


  • Hi Dav1,

    I see you have 8.1.2 as a tag for your post, but do you actually have NetBackup installed at your site?  The reason I ask, is as your questions are worded, none seem to relate to NetBackup.  They would appear to be better asked in a Dell/EMC forum, but here's my 2 cents worth:

    • If you have NetBackup, do you also have OpsCenter installed?  This is the primary reporting engine for NetBackup so that would be the first place to look.  If not, in the NetBackup Admin console under NetBackup Management-->Reports there is the Client Backups report which may help.  If you're looking at it purely from the DD side, then it would be a question for Dell/EMC.
    • Doing a quick Google search for this turns up plenty of results.  This one from 2014 ( shows there is a CLI option for reporting on this.  Probably better to find recent information for the model of DD you are using, but it's a start.

    Although none of your queries seems to relate directly to NetBackup, there are others who frequent this forum that do have DD's within their NetBackup environment and may be able to provide additional information.

    Hope this helps,


    • dav1's avatar
      Level 3

      Hi Steve,

      Thank you for update.

      Yes, i do have netbackup version 8.1.2 at my side with Opscenter with same version.

      But client wants all reports fromn DD instead of Opscenter i know it's strange but i am helpless and i have to have to provide them and i am not aware about that i.e. why i have requested for answer here.

      i have gone through this (  but it's all about compression not about reporting part.

      I will check soon.


      • Hi Dav1,

        For item 1, you'll have to go to Dell/EMC depending what your client wants.  You said you need backup reports from the DD - correct?  If NetBackup is the one actually running the backup jobs, and only using DD as your storage - how is DD going to know anything at all about backup jobs?  DD can only (hopefully) report on the type of jobs it is doing, which aren't backup jobs (guessing they may be replication, duplication, dedupe, filesystem type jobs).  That's all based on my guess that your NetBackup Master is driving everything and your DD's are effectively your Media Servers.

        I did see this company ( has released some reporting products for DD, but once again it depends what type of reports you need, and also if NetBackup is running the jobs, DD won't know about those.

        The document that talks about compression that I linked, certainly does have reporting on compression included.  Look at this section again (there is even a pre and post compression report example included):

        2. Compression: System Overall Effect

        The system-wide overall compression effect is measured by the system effective compression ratio, which is the ratio of the user data size to the size of used physical space. It is reported by the "filesys show compression" (FSC) CLI command (the corresponding information is also available on GUI).


  • DDOS version 6 has a CLI command (no gui) to show compression/dedupe status for files and folders (as I recall).

    Maybe worth looking at that command.

    • dav1's avatar
      Level 3

      Hi Nicolai,

      Could you please share sommand or ant TN from where i can go through

      • Nicolai's avatar

        The command is in the DDOS command reference, it is not a Netbackup command.

        I have no longer access to EMC documentation page so I can't really help much more. Sorry 

  • You're probably looking for 

    ddboost storage-unit show compression

    It outputs the following for each storage unit on the DD:

    Total files: 21,993; bytes/storage_used: 9.2
    Original Bytes: 10,142,140,394,880
    Globally Compressed: 6,795,177,900,069
    Locally Compressed: 1,072,687,371,254
    Meta-data: 27,944,015,844

    Total files: 9,628; bytes/storage_used: 13.7
    Original Bytes: 31,263,967,158,405
    Globally Compressed: 7,724,874,882,733
    Locally Compressed: 2,254,995,511,375
    Meta-data: 31,215,522,260

    Storage-unit drm2a_dr2_ho2_file does not contain any files.