Forum Discussion

t_jadliwala's avatar
10 years ago

Need to increase the size of netbackup catalog which is on GCO

Dear Experts, 

My netbackup in GCO cluster. Its an active passive cluster on veritas storage foudation. The replication of catalog between two sites is using emc mirror view. 

Now i want to increase the size of catalog as its almost full. For time being i have enabled the compression which reduced the size.

Below are the steps which i would be following. Kindly verify if it required any changes. Your help is highly appreciated. 

1)Take full backup of catalog.

Once backup is taken

Freeze the nbu service group 

Stop netbackup services

Stop the replication from the storage side

2)  Add the new lun with same configuration of the previous one on my primary master server 

3) When new LUN is added ,
   Label new LUN at OS level
 check if the disk is visible in vxdisk list
#vxdctl enable 
#vxdisk scandisks

4) Initialize the new LUN
vxdisksetup -if <device name>

5) Add the new disk to existing nbudg
vxdg -g nbudg adddisk  nbudisk-01=<new Device>

6)Confirm added space
vxassist -g nbudg maxgrow nbuvol-new

7) Grow the volume
vxresize -g nbudg nbuvol-new <+ size>

In duplicate session track the progress
8) #vxtask monitor

9) Once the size is increased.

-start netbackup services

 -Start the replication.

Decompress the catalog.


I belive  i dont need to follow the same steps on the dr site as the emc mirror view would be taking care for the same.



  • You would need to perform the file system resizing on the DR site since the EMC mirroring will only increase the volume not the file system.This needs to be done before the replication starts. 

3 Replies

  • You would need to perform the file system resizing on the DR site since the EMC mirroring will only increase the volume not the file system.This needs to be done before the replication starts. 

  • I agree. Increase size at DR site first. PS: Best to ask these kind of questions in the Storage Foundation forum.
  • Thanks Andrew and Marianne for the suggestion. I opened up a case with symantec they told me steps needs to be performed on the main site and emc mirrow view would be taking caring of the dr site one we start the replication . 

    I will try the same and update you.