Forum Discussion

Sunlord's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Netbackup 5.1 unable to backup Lotus Domino 8.5.3 - Error 71

Hi Forumites,

First up, a confession - I'm a bit of a NetBackup lightweight.  I've quite a bit of experience swapping the tapes and restoring 'essential' files for users - however my job is now seeing me taking on more responsibility these days.  This is good - but this is also challenging....

So I'd be grateful for some advice, if you think that you might be able to assist (thank you).

We have a number of separate Active Directory domains running 32-bit Server 2003.  Each domain has a Netbackup 5.1 server and a Domino 8.5.3 server.

The domino servers were formerly at version 6.5 - but have now all been upgraded.

We're in the process of upgrading all of the 5.1 servers, but upgrade takes time. 

Unfortunately, during that time, a number of the Netbackup Domino policy in some of our domains has stopped working.  Emphasis on *some* here - others continue to work fine.

I've spend a couple of (very educational) days poring over every article I could get a keyword hit on, discounting them one by one.

One advised that Netbackup 5.1 *would not* backup Domino 8.5.3 - however I have seen for certain that it does (in some instances).  Others predominately focused on capitalisation, syntax, stray punctuation and trailing spaces, sharing and mappings, Domino passwords and a mismatch between the information in the policies and the information in the notes.ini file on the Domino server.

From what I see, the issue is with Notes penetrating the Domino database.  If I run the policy as a 'Windows-NT' policy, the files back-up fine.  However when I return it to a 'Notes' policy, it reports a status code 71: none of the files in the files list exist.

Following the advice in a word document which offers in depth testing for status 71, I created a few log files on both the Netbackup server and the Domino server.

I believe that the issue occurs in the line which bolded in the BPBKAR log file from the Domino server below.  I hope you don't mind, but I've xxxxx'd out the server names (but case is preserved).


I've also noticed a reference in the BPCD I created on the Domino server at the same time, which states:

15:37:48.895 [20576.20668] <2> ParseConfigExA: Unknown configuration option on line 50: RenameIfExists = 0

If anyone could advise me where (if) the script/file/other which contains the 'configuration option on line 50' exists in Windows Netbackup I'd be grateful (or if you have a more general link to a 'decoding the log file' type reference that'd be great - learning is good).

Thanks in advance to anyone who can offer any assistance - I hope I've provided enough info.


3:37:47.160 PM: [20240.20636] <4> ov_log::OVInit: INF - Starting log file: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\logs\BPBKAR\050714.LOG

3:37:47.160 PM: [20240.20636] <4> ov_log::OVInit: GENERAL Log Level: 0

3:37:47.160 PM: [20240.20636] <4> ov_log::OVInit: TCP Log Level: 0

3:37:47.160 PM: [20240.20636] <4> ov_log::OVInit: INF - the log mutex: 1908

BPBKAR  NetBackup Backup/Archive  5.0GA  [Apr  5 2006]

Copyright 1993 - 2004 VERITAS Software Corporation

All Rights Reserved.


3:37:47.160 PM: [20240.20636] <2> WinMain: DAT - _pgmptr = 'C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\bpbkar32.exe'

3:37:47.160 PM: [20240.20636] <2> WinMain: DAT - lpCmdLine = '-r 604800 -ru root -dt 0 -to 0 -clnt xxxxxx01 -class XXXXXX01 -sched Daily -st INCR -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -read_to 1200 -use_otm -fso -b xxxxxx01_1399441066 -kl 28 -ct 25 -use_ofb '

3:37:47.160 PM: [20240.20636] <2> date_debug: DAT - timezone: AUS Eastern Standard Time, offset=-36000, dst: AUS Eastern Daylight Time

3:37:47.160 PM: [20240.20636] <2> date_debug: DAT - current time: 1399441067, 7/05/2014 3:37:47 PM

3:37:47.160 PM: [20240.20636] <2> date_debug: DAT - 01/01/94 UCT:  757382400, 1/01/1994 10:00:00 AM

3:37:47.160 PM: [20240.20636] <2> date_debug: DAT - 07/01/94 UCT:  773020800, 1/07/1994 10:00:00 AM

3:37:47.160 PM: [20240.20636] <2> WinMain: DAT - standard input handle = 324

3:37:47.160 PM: [20240.20636] <2> WinMain: DAT - standard output handle = 1904

3:37:47.160 PM: [20240.20636] <2> WinMain: DAT - standard error handle = 1864

3:37:47.176 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_SetupJobData: INF - dwJobData: 00000000

3:37:47.176 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_SetupJobData: INF -     dwJob: 00000003

3:37:47.176 PM: [20240.20636] <4> dos_backup::V_PreProcessing: INF - backup privileges enabled, previous = 0

3:37:47.176 PM: [20240.20636] <4> dos_backup::V_PreProcessing: INF - restore privileges enabled, previous = 0

3:37:47.176 PM: [20240.20636] <4> dos_backup::V_PreProcessing: INF - security privileges enabled, previous = 0

3:37:47.176 PM: [20240.20636] <4> dos_backup::V_PreProcessing: INF - tcb privileges enabled, previous = 0

3:37:47.176 PM: [20240.20636] <4> dos_backup::V_PreProcessing: INF - create token privileges enabled, previous = 0

3:37:47.176 PM: [20240.20636] <4> dos_backup::V_PreProcessing: INF - user name: root

3:37:47.176 PM: [20240.20636] <4> dos_backup::V_PreProcessing: INF - no access token: scheduled backup

3:37:47.379 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_backup::V_SetupProcessContinue: TAR - CONTINUE BACKUP received

3:37:47.379 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_backup::V_SetupFileDirectives: TAR - backup filename = C:\Lotus\Domino\notes.ini

3:37:47.379 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_backup::V_SetupFileDirectives: TAR - backup filename = C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\mail

3:37:47.379 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_backup::V_SetupFileDirectives: TAR - backup filename = C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\Apps\RSF

3:37:47.379 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_backup::V_SetupFileDirectives: TAR - backup filename = C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\admin4.nsf

3:37:47.379 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_backup::V_SetupFileDirectives: TAR - backup filename = C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\dircat.nsf

3:37:47.379 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_backup::V_SetupFileDirectives: TAR - backup filename = C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\

3:37:47.379 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_backup::V_SetupFileDirectives: TAR - backup filename = C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\names.nsf

3:37:48.442 PM: [20240.20636] <4> nbex_DebugLog: INF - UpdatePath() Path updated with Lotus Program Dir 'C:\Lotus\Domino\'

3:37:48.442 PM: [20240.20636] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - BEDS_Init() Enter InitFlags:0x0

3:37:48.457 PM: [20240.20636] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: C:

3:37:48.457 PM: [20240.20636] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: Microsoft Terminal Services

3:37:48.457 PM: [20240.20636] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: Microsoft Windows Network

3:37:48.457 PM: [20240.20636] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: VMware Shared Folders

3:37:48.457 PM: [20240.20636] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: Web Client Network

3:37:48.457 PM: [20240.20636] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: Shadow?Copy?Components

3:37:48.457 PM: [20240.20636] <4> dos_backup::V_VerifyLotus: INF - Replaced: C:\Lotus\Domino\notes.ini with Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\notes.ini

3:37:48.457 PM: [20240.20636] <4> dos_backup::V_VerifyLotus: INF - Replaced: C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\mail with Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\mail

3:37:48.457 PM: [20240.20636] <4> dos_backup::V_VerifyLotus: INF - Replaced: C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\Apps\RSF with Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\Apps\RSF

3:37:48.457 PM: [20240.20636] <4> dos_backup::V_VerifyLotus: INF - Replaced: C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\admin4.nsf with Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\admin4.nsf

3:37:48.457 PM: [20240.20636] <4> dos_backup::V_VerifyLotus: INF - Replaced: C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\dircat.nsf with Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\dircat.nsf

3:37:48.457 PM: [20240.20636] <4> dos_backup::V_VerifyLotus: INF - Replaced: C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\ with Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\

3:37:48.457 PM: [20240.20636] <4> dos_backup::V_VerifyLotus: INF - Replaced: C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\names.nsf with Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\names.nsf

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <20240> nbex_DebugLog: ERR - NBLN_Connect() NotesInitExtended() Failed (ErrorCode: 0x1007)

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> backup_create: INF - NetBackup Temp Directory: 'C:\Program Files\VERITAS\\NetBackup\Temp'

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF - ================================================================================

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF - job tracking estimate: start

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: TRV - object not found for file system backup: Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\notes.ini

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: TRV - object not found for file system backup: Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\mail

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: TRV - object not found for file system backup: Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\Apps\RSF

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: TRV - object not found for file system backup: Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\admin4.nsf

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: TRV - object not found for file system backup: Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\dircat.nsf

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: TRV - object not found for file system backup: Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: TRV - object not found for file system backup: Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\names.nsf

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF - job tracking estimate: stop

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF -     job tracking time: 0 secs

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF - ================================================================================

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF - ================================================================================

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF - Job Tracking Estimates

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF -           Files: 0

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF -         Folders: 0

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF -      Bytes Data: 0

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF -  Gigabytes Data: 0

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF -     Bytes Image: 0

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF - Gigabytes Image: 0

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF - ================================================================================

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: TRV - object not found for file system backup: Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\notes.ini

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: TRV - object not found for file system backup: Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\mail

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: TRV - object not found for file system backup: Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\Apps\RSF

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: TRV - object not found for file system backup: Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\admin4.nsf

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: TRV - object not found for file system backup: Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\dircat.nsf

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: TRV - object not found for file system backup: Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: TRV - object not found for file system backup: Lotus Notes:\C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\names.nsf

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::backup_finish: TAR - backup:                              0 files

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::backup_finish: TAR - backup:          file data:          0 bytes

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::backup_finish: TAR - backup:         image data:       1024 bytes

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::backup_finish: TAR - backup:       elapsed time:          1 secs         1024 bps

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - EXIT STATUS 71: none of the files in the file list exist

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF - ================================================================================

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF - Job Tracking Statistics

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF -           Files: 0

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF -         Folders: 0

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF -      Bytes Data: 0

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF -  Gigabytes Data: 0

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF -     Bytes Image: 1024

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF - Gigabytes Image: 0

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF - ================================================================================

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF - Not waiting for server status

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: WRN - Abnormal backup status, Lotus Transaction Logs will not be recycled

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <20240> nbex_DebugLog: INF - NBLN_ArchiveLogEnd() Transaction log archiving has not previously been started.

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> OVStopCmd: INF - EXIT - status = 0

3:37:48.473 PM: [20240.20636] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - BEDS_Term() Enter InitFlags:0x1

3:37:49.473 PM: [20240.20636] <16> dtcp_read: TCP - failure: recv socket (324) (TCP 10053: Software caused connection abort)

3:37:50.473 PM: [20240.20636] <16> dtcp_read: TCP - failure: recv socket (324) (TCP 10053: Software caused connection abort)

3:37:51.473 PM: [20240.20636] <16> dtcp_read: TCP - failure: recv socket (324) (TCP 10053: Software caused connection abort)

3:37:52.473 PM: [20240.20636] <16> dtcp_read: TCP - failure: recv socket (324) (TCP 10053: Software caused connection abort)

3:37:53.473 PM: [20240.20636] <16> dtcp_read: TCP - failure: recv socket (324) (TCP 10053: Software caused connection abort)

3:37:54.473 PM: [20240.20636] <16> dtcp_read: TCP - failure: recv socket (324) (TCP 10053: Software caused connection abort)

3:37:55.473 PM: [20240.20636] <16> dtcp_read: TCP - failure: recv socket (324) (TCP 10053: Software caused connection abort)

3:37:55.473 PM: [20240.20636] <4> OVShutdown: INF - Finished process



  • I think you have summarised it well in your opening post:

    From what I see, the issue is with Notes penetrating the Domino database.

    PLEASE do not ignore compatibilty advice. Even if it works on another server, you have no guarantee that a restore will work.

    As per my post above - Lotus/Domino 8.5.x is only supported as from NBU 6.5.3.

    PLEASE upgrade your NBU environment as a matter of urgency.
    Backups and maintenance contract must be seen as insurance policy.
    Where do you go if Notes server crash and you cannot restore?


11 Replies