Forum Discussion

vinods's avatar
Level 5
14 years ago

Netbackup 7.0.1 problem with exclude_list


We have windows master server ( 7.0.1) and we have taking Aix server backup

backup completed succesfully but log show some file skip .

So we have created exclude_list file .

But still log show skipping file

My question is why not netbackup skip mention file ( Exclude_list ) ?




  • required to select CROSS MOUNT POINT" - very true!

    Basically you don't have an issue. What you are seeing is normal. What is happening is that NB is backing up root, it comes across /proc & notes that this is a separate filesystem (see bpmount [-i] ) & therefore skips it - it will do this before it examines the contents of the exclude_list.


    You may find the following of interest (as posted by Marianne yesterday!):

    What files will NetBackup automatically exclude during backup?



9 Replies

  • & the exact name & location of your exclude list?



    & share the extract from the log per "But still log show skipping file"

  • location :- /usr/openv/netbackup/

    Under we have create exclude_list .

    and include file name which netbackup skip

    1) /home

    2) /usr

    3) /opt

    and in backup policy backup selection ALL_LOCAL_DRIVE

    and uncheck cross mount point on attribute

  • If any of these excludes are actually separate filesystems and you have unchecked cross mount points then NB will tell you it is skipping these for that reason & if that is the case then it must be checking these before it checks through the exclude list - altho' I'm only guessing here from the info that you've provided so far!

  • In addition to Andy's post, if you see entries in Details tab like:

    "/usr is in a different file system from /. Skipping."

    then please have a look at this TN:

    These messages are perfectly normal during backup of root filesystem. The exclude_list will be applied when the specific filesystem is evaluated.

    Create bpbkar log on client to get detailed information.

  • According to Docs if we select ALL_LOCAL_DRIVE there is not required to select CROSS MOUNT POINT

    I have added backup selection  ALL_LOCAL_DRIVE and add /proc in Exclude_list but still we geeting waring in activity moniter log 

    "/proc is in a different file system from /. Skipping."

    But backup is happeing succesfully .( Status 0 )



  • Hi,


    I dont really understand what your issue is then. If a you create an exclude list NBU should skip those file/file systems. Can you show us that the files listed in your exclude list are indeed being backed up? Post the bpbkar log please.


    And "/proc" is a virtual file system and it contains information about the state of the running system and its processes in format accessible as if the information is in regular text files. It wont be backed up, and will be skipped. You can't back up the systems state.



  • required to select CROSS MOUNT POINT" - very true!

    Basically you don't have an issue. What you are seeing is normal. What is happening is that NB is backing up root, it comes across /proc & notes that this is a separate filesystem (see bpmount [-i] ) & therefore skips it - it will do this before it examines the contents of the exclude_list.


    You may find the following of interest (as posted by Marianne yesterday!):

    What files will NetBackup automatically exclude during backup?



  • Have you had a look yet at the TN that I've posted yesterday?

    What files will NetBackup automatically exclude during backup?