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Npalma's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Netbackup 7.0 Linux - TL4000 only a working drive

Netbackup 7.0 Linux - TL4000 only a working drive:

Greetings!, I have a problem, (which appeared returned from my vacation), I have set up a media manager TLD - hcart2 TL4000, the problem is I can not do more than one job simultaneously to this medium, which earlier if possible, I give details:

Conf Media Manager.-


Only 001 mounts tapes.-

[root@backup6m-bkp bin]# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd -d

                                PENDING REQUESTS
                                  DRIVE STATUS
Drv Type   Control  User      Label  RecMID  ExtMID  Ready   Wr.Enbl.  ReqId
  0 hcart2   TLD                -                     No       -         0  
  0 hcart2   TLD                -                     No       -         0  
  1 hcart2   TLD               Yes   000011  000011   Yes     Yes        0  
  1 hcart2   TLD               Yes   000011  000011   Yes     Yes        0  
  2 hcart2   TLD                -                     No       -         0  
  2 hcart2   TLD                -                     No       -         0  
  3 hcart2   TLD                -                     No       -         0  
  3 hcart2   TLD                -                     No       -         0  
                             ADDITIONAL DRIVE STATUS
Drv DriveName            Shared    Assigned        Comment                   
  0 IBM.ULT3580-HH5.000   No       -                                         
  0 IBM.ULT3580-HH5.000   No       -                                         
  1 IBM.ULT3580-HH5.001   No       backup6m-bkp                              
  1 IBM.ULT3580-HH5.001   No       backup6m-bkp                              
  2 IBM.ULT3580-HH5.002   No       -                                         
  2 IBM.ULT3580-HH5.002   No       -                                         
  3 IBM.ULT3580-HH5.003   No       -                                         
  3 IBM.ULT3580-HH5.003   No       - 


SCSI devices.-

[root@backup6m-bkp bin]# lsscsi

[0:0:0:0]    disk    VMware   Virtual disk     1.0   /dev/sda
[1:0:0:0]    disk    EQLOGIC  100E-00          6.0   /dev/sdb
[1:0:1:0]    disk    EQLOGIC  100E-00          6.0   /dev/sdc
[1:0:2:0]    disk    EQLOGIC  100E-00          6.0   /dev/sdd
[1:0:3:0]    disk    EQLOGIC  100E-00          6.0   /dev/sde
[2:0:0:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-HH5      C7RD  /dev/st0
[3:0:0:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-HH5      C7RD  /dev/st1
[8:0:0:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-HH5      C7RD  /dev/st2
[9:0:0:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-HH5      C7RD  /dev/st3
[10:0:0:0]   mediumx IBM      3573-TL          B.60  -       
[11:0:0:0]   mediumx IBM      3573-TL          B.60  -       
[12:0:0:0]   tape    IBM      ULT3580-HH5      C7RD  /dev/st6
[13:0:0:0]   tape    IBM      ULT3580-HH5      C7RD  /dev/st7
[16:0:0:0]   tape    IBM      ULT3580-HH5      C7RD  /dev/st4
[17:0:0:0]   tape    IBM      ULT3580-HH5      C7RD  /dev/st5
Job Queued.-


Status Library.-

I hope I can help, greetings.


  • you have 3 jobs with the job type =16 which is  Media contents, and this job will trigger when you run the command 

    bpmedialist -U -mcontents [-m <media_id>]

    it looks like they are orphaned jobs.

    release those, mds allocations

    nbrbutil -releaseMDS 13255

    nbrbutil -releaseMDS 13257

    nbrbutil -releaseMDS 13259

    and if that does not help,  i would prefer to go with Netbackup restart.

20 Replies

  • did you check the resource allocation as suggested by Marianne?

    did you check if the Drives are in RESTART state when you check from Device moniter ?

  • Nagalla:

    They are in state "NO", so that this is right:



  • Command is:

    nbrbutil NOT nborautil and is located /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd

    Best to first check resource allocation with 'nbrbutil -dump'.

  • Marienne:


    [root@backup6m-bkp admincmd]# ./nbrbutil -dump
    Allocation Requests
    index=0 (AllocationRequest: id={E3DCCC36-7443-11E2-8D6C-8185E32C2D5C} priority=0 secondPriority=26273 userid=jobid=27811 description=THE_BACKUP_JOB-27811-{E3DCCC36-7443-11E2-8D6C-8185E32C2D5C} (RequestSeq 
    index=0 (Request provider=MPXProvider resourcename=MpxRequest-27811  userSequence=-1 (MPXGroupRequest maxmpx=2 media=(RequestSeq 
    index=0 (Request provider=DriveOperationProvider resourcename=backup6m-bkp-hcart2-robot-tld-0  userSequence=0 (StorageUnitRequest: storageUnit=(StorageUnitRequest: storageUnit=backup6m-bkp-hcart2-robot-tld-0 mediaPool=Esign retentionLevel=1 mustUseLocalMediaServer=no failOnError=no mpxRequired=no mustBeNdmp=no getMaxFreeSpace=no minFreeSpaceKBytes=1605838 usageType=1 client=MP-Oracle-Prod stuSubType=-1 diskGroupName= storageServerType= shareGroup=*ANY* isNdmp=false isTirRestore=false isFlashbackupRestore=false isBlockMapRead=false isCatalogBackup=false isGcsCatalogBackup=false isVMWare=false isLifeCycle=false preferVtlToDirectAttachedTape=false backupCopy=-1 isGranularExchange=false REQ_IS_HYPER_V=false REQ_IS_VXVI=false REQ_IS_EXCHANGE14=false) preferredMediaServer= requiredMediaServer= previousStuName= previousStuType=0)))
    index=1 (Request provider=NamedResourceProvider resourcename=backup6m-bkp.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.MP-Oracle-Prod  userSequence=-1 (CountedResourceRequest resourcename=backup6m-bkp.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.MP-Oracle-Prod max=5))
    index=2 (Request provider=NamedResourceProvider resourcename=backup6m-bkp.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.e-Sign-MP-Oracle-Test-App  userSequence=-1 (CountedResourceRequest resourcename=backup6m-bkp.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.e-Sign-MP-Oracle-Test-App max=2147483647)))
    index=0 (Allocation: id={DAEF58AA-7443-11E2-BFB3-11C862433377} provider=NamedResourceProvider resourcename=backup6m-bkp.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.000-DC-DR-PrivCloud-bkp masterserver=backup6m-bkp groupid={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} userSequence=-1 userid="jobid=27808" named resource allocation)
    index=1 (Allocation: id={DAEF5918-7443-11E2-A7CE-21B9AD5C9B66} provider=NamedResourceProvider resourcename=backup6m-bkp.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.000-DC-DR-PrivCloud masterserver=backup6m-bkp groupid={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} userSequence=-1 userid="jobid=27808" named resource allocation)
    index=2 (Allocation: id={DAEF553A-7443-11E2-8A3B-3F9F263824BF} provider=MPXProvider resourcename=anMPXGroup masterserver=backup6m-bkp groupid={DAEF5440-7443-11E2-9339-2EB668609696} userSequence=-1 userid="jobid=27808" (MPXGroupAllocation: groupId={DAEF5440-7443-11E2-9339-2EB668609696}))
    index=3 (Allocation: id={DAEE8D12-7443-11E2-9B66-C0B9BF0347BB} provider=MPXProvider resourcename=backup6m-bkp-hcart2-robot-tld-0 masterserver=backup6m-bkp groupid={DAEF5440-7443-11E2-9339-2EB668609696} userSequence=0 userid="jobid=27808" (Media_Drive_Allocation_Record: allocationKey=13724 (Media_Drive_Record: MediaKey=4000044 MediaId=000019 MediaServer=backup6m-bkp DriveKey=2000089 DriveName=IBM.ULT3580-HH5.001 PrimaryPath=/dev/nst6 PoolName=Data-Recovery RobotNum=0 RobotType=8 MediaTypeName=NetBackup HCART2 DriveTypeName=NetBackup HCART2 NdmpControlHost= RetentionLevel=1 PolicyType=2 JobType=1 MasterServer=backup6m-bkp) (Storage_Unit_Record: STU=backup6m-bkp-hcart2-robot-tld-0 STUType=2 MasterServer=backup6m-bkp MediaServer=backup6m-bkp RobotType=8 RobotNumber=0 Density=14 OnDemandOnly=0 ConcurrentJobs=4 ActiveJobs=0 MaxMultiplexing=4 NdmpAttachHost= AbsolutePath=) (Bptm_Strings_Record: 0="MEDIADB 1 13724 000019 4000044 ------ 14 1360361309 1360392503 1361602103 0 1241188001 5 5 1 5 0 512 1024 0 19393577 0" 1="VOLUME 1 000019 4000044 000019 Data-Recovery IMATION 0D85852240 14 8 0 12 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0" 2="DRIVE 3 IBM.ULT3580-HH5.001 2000089 1068017282 /dev/nst6 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0" 3="STORAGE 1 backup6m-bkp-hcart2-robot-tld-0 14 1048575 2 1 0 0 backup6m-bkp backup6m-bkp *NULL*" 4="DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL*" 5="DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0" 6="DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL*" ) TpReqFileName=)))
    MDS allocations in EMM: 
    MdsAllocation: allocationKey=13255 jobType=16 mediaKey=4000030 mediaId=000007 driveKey=0 driveName= drivePath= stuName= masterServerName=backup6m-bkp mediaServerName=backup6m-bkp ndmpTapeServerName= diskVolumeKey=0 mountKey=0 linkKey=0 fatPipeKey=0 scsiResType=0 serverStateFlags=0
    MdsAllocation: allocationKey=13257 jobType=16 mediaKey=4000033 mediaId=000010 driveKey=0 driveName= drivePath= stuName= masterServerName=backup6m-bkp mediaServerName=backup6m-bkp ndmpTapeServerName= diskVolumeKey=0 mountKey=0 linkKey=0 fatPipeKey=0 scsiResType=0 serverStateFlags=0
    MdsAllocation: allocationKey=13259 jobType=16 mediaKey=4000031 mediaId=000008 driveKey=0 driveName= drivePath= stuName= masterServerName=backup6m-bkp mediaServerName=backup6m-bkp ndmpTapeServerName= diskVolumeKey=0 mountKey=0 linkKey=0 fatPipeKey=0 scsiResType=0 serverStateFlags=0
    MdsAllocation: allocationKey=13724 jobType=1 mediaKey=4000044 mediaId=000019 driveKey=2000089 driveName=IBM.ULT3580-HH5.001 drivePath=/dev/nst6 stuName=backup6m-bkp-hcart2-robot-tld-0 masterServerName=backup6m-bkp mediaServerName=backup6m-bkp ndmpTapeServerName= diskVolumeKey=0 mountKey=0 linkKey=0 fatPipeKey=0 scsiResType=1 serverStateFlags=1
  • you have 3 jobs with the job type =16 which is  Media contents, and this job will trigger when you run the command 

    bpmedialist -U -mcontents [-m <media_id>]

    it looks like they are orphaned jobs.

    release those, mds allocations

    nbrbutil -releaseMDS 13255

    nbrbutil -releaseMDS 13257

    nbrbutil -releaseMDS 13259

    and if that does not help,  i would prefer to go with Netbackup restart.

  • You can see 4 device allocations - all Media:


    MDS allocations in EMM: 
    MdsAllocation: allocationKey=13255 jobType=16 mediaKey=4000030 mediaId=000007 driveKey=0 driveName= drivePath= stuName= masterServerName=backup6m-bkp mediaServerName=backup6m-bkp ndmpTapeServerName= diskVolumeKey=0 mountKey=0 linkKey=0 fatPipeKey=0 scsiResType=0 serverStateFlags=0
    MdsAllocation: allocationKey=13257 jobType=16 mediaKey=4000033 mediaId=000010 driveKey=0 driveName= drivePath= stuName= masterServerName=backup6m-bkp mediaServerName=backup6m-bkp ndmpTapeServerName= diskVolumeKey=0 mountKey=0 linkKey=0 fatPipeKey=0 scsiResType=0 serverStateFlags=0
    MdsAllocation: allocationKey=13259 jobType=16 mediaKey=4000031 mediaId=000008 driveKey=0 driveName= drivePath= stuName= masterServerName=backup6m-bkp mediaServerName=backup6m-bkp ndmpTapeServerName= diskVolumeKey=0 mountKey=0 linkKey=0 fatPipeKey=0 scsiResType=0 serverStateFlags=0
    MdsAllocation: allocationKey=13724 jobType=1 mediaKey=4000044 mediaId=000019 driveKey=2000089 driveName=IBM.ULT3580-HH5.001 drivePath=/dev/nst6 stuName=backup6m-bkp-hcart2-robot-tld-0 masterServerName=backup6m-bkp mediaServerName=backup6m-bkp ndmpTapeServerName= diskVolumeKey=0 mountKey=0 linkKey=0 fatPipeKey=0 scsiResType=1 serverStateFlags=1
    Each of these 4 Media allocations assume one drive for each media-id.
    3 of those media allocations do not have drives allocated - only media id 00019 is associated with a drive.
    You need to release the first 3 Allocation Id's one-by-one, or do a ResetAll.
    nbrbutil -releaseMDS 13255
    nbrbutil -releaseMDS 13257
    nbrbutil -releaseMDS 13259
    Please note that ResetAll will cancel any active jobs.
    Oops - too slow!! 
    (Multi-tasking not doing very well today...)

    I believe this to work, then I could explain a little more detailed than what cause?
  • No. If we look at the Allocation Ids, we can see that the Ids are a lot smaller than the current active one (13724). I cannot see any timestamp.

    This means that 'something' happened some time ago - maybe YOU can tell us?


    I do not know, back from my vacation I found this in the system :) just added a new set of tapes, maybe the process damage the existing inventory?
    Point to part Marianne, Nagalla, thank you very much!
  • As per Nagalla's post:

     3 jobs with the job type =16 which is  Media contents

    Seems someone started 'Media contents report' and these jobs got hung/orphaned. More than this cannot be explained with the amount of information available.

    What you now have is the ability to troubleshoot and solve the problem if it ever happens again...