Forum Discussion

John_Deackman's avatar
12 years ago

NetBackup with DataDomain and Status 2106

(1) Master/Media Server
Windows 2008 R2 Standard

(3) Media Servers
Windows 2008 R2 Standard

(2) DataDomain DD670's

Monday, I disabled all backup policies.  Then I shutdown NetBackup on all 4 severs.  Then I did a shutdown on 1 DataDomain so that I could physically move the unit to make room for a new DataDomain 890 unit.  After moving the 670, (I had to replace 4 CAT6 cables with new ones for length) I powered up the DAE's first and let then settle to a ready state.  Then I powered up the Head Unit.  Initially, the head Unit locked up half way into the boot.  Called DataDomain andthey had me force power off the unit and had me pull it out and reseat all the RAM, PCI Riser cards and all the Hard Drives.  Then replaced and repowered and all came up fine.

I then started NetBackup services on the Master and then all the media servers.  After everything was up, I reactivated all the policies.

This ran fine until 1:00am on Thursday.  Then, the DataDomain unit I moved started failing every job that ran on it with a status of 2106 (Status 2106: Disk storage server is down).  I had Symantec look at it (logs sent in that were requested), and they siad it had to be a DD-Boost problem, as they could not see an issue.  I then called DataDomain and they put there people on it and said it was a network problem because they couldn't ping the server from the unit. 

So then I went (tonight) and ran a network tester on the cables between the unit and the core switch.  Cables tested fine and i have normal flashing link lights...  So I did a shutdown restart on the DD head unit.  After it came back up, i could ping the server from the unit.  Kicked off a failed backup and it failed again with 2106 or a media write error(84)...

When looking up the 2106 error this morning, I found a Symantec article that said I needed to reautherize the the servers to the DD unit.  How do I do that?

Does anyone else have an idea what would be causing all this?  I now have Duplications (LCP) kicking off by the hundreds every 15 or minutes and I have to clean those all up too because they are failing with a status 84 and Image Cleanups failing with a status 83...

I want to pull my hair out, but I don't have any left to pull out!

Hope some one can help.


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