Forum Discussion

S121798's avatar
10 years ago

Netbackup 7.5 Media pool concepts

Hi Team,

I have a Netbackup master server with NB 7.5. 

The server is connected to MSL 4048 TL . I want to configure Media pools (*Like First 4 slots perform Monday Daily Backups , Next 4 Slots for tuesday etc)

Can someone pls share any Knowledge artifacts for this . 


Thanks and Regards


  • Don't go down that road. Netbackup is not built for that sort of micro management. Fill the robot with tape in one volume pool and let Netbackup take care of managing the tapes.

    This work best and is the easiest way to manage. To know Monday is on these 4 tape don't provide you with any benefit at all. Whenever you need to restore Netbackup consult it catalog to find the tape needed. Without a Netbackup catalog you won't be able to restore. Not even if you know Monday is on this set of tape. Hope you can use the feedback.

    Best Regards



7 Replies

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    DOCUMENTATION: How to correctly decommission a NetBackup Media Server and remove it from the NetBackup environment

    Article:TECH7571  |  Created: 2009-01-30  |  Updated: 2014-09-17  |  Article URL

    How to re-introduce Tape / Media used prior with NetBackup without changing the Media ID when a barcode reader is not available or disabled within the Robotic Library

    Article:TECH69855  |  Created: 2009-01-22  |  Updated: 2009-01-18  |  Article URL

  • NetBackup does not work like that. You cannot configure certain robot slots for a specific pool. 

    There is also no need to micro-manage media in NetBackup with Monday, Tuesday, etc pools. As long as you have barcoded media in the robot, NBU will record in the catalogs on which media-id and which session on tape each backup is written. 

    When you browse a client for backups for a particular day and select files/folders for restore, NBU will load the tape in a drive and start the restore. If the tape is not in the robot, NBU will prompt you to put the tape in the robot.

    If you need to charge business units for backups or if there is a reason to keep certain system data on separate tapes, then create pools for those reasons. Oherwise there is no reason to create separate Volume pools. NBU will not mix different retentions on media. So, daily, weekly, monthly, etc media will automatically be on different media.

    NetBackup pool can be used for all normal backups. You will need CatalogBackup pool for NBU Catalog backups.

    Please, do not try and micro-manage tapes in NBU - allow the product to manage tapes and images. It does a very good job doing that.

    If you try to micro-manage tapes, you WILL sooner or later post here for Status 96....

  • Don't go down that road. Netbackup is not built for that sort of micro management. Fill the robot with tape in one volume pool and let Netbackup take care of managing the tapes.

    This work best and is the easiest way to manage. To know Monday is on these 4 tape don't provide you with any benefit at all. Whenever you need to restore Netbackup consult it catalog to find the tape needed. Without a Netbackup catalog you won't be able to restore. Not even if you know Monday is on this set of tape. Hope you can use the feedback.

    Best Regards
