Forum Discussion

fsimoes_admin's avatar
10 years ago

Netbackup Cluster Offline

I am master of the connection failure problems with the server cluster (veritas cluster) with this netbackup the Administration Console can not perform any operations.
Does someone can help me.

Cluster name: Connected

Group Status - Faulted: 2

System Status - Ontina: 2 

Link Status - Down

  • So, something happened that caused the NetBackup Service Group to fail on one node. It then probably tried to fail over and the same reason that made it fail on one node probably made it fail on the 2nd node as well. So, we need to know what caused the failure before we can suggest any steps to fix it. Look for errors in Event Viewer Application log and in the cluster engine_A log. Please copy the engine_A log to engine.txt and upload as File attachment. Only when we see in this log what exactly caused the failure can we check the status of each resource (diskgroup, moutpoint, NIC, Lanman, NBU ) and ensure that all is fine. At this point can we clear the faulted resources and online the SG on one of the nodes. Until NBU is online in the cluster, forget about connecting via the GUI.

4 Replies

  • Where are you seeing this information?  Why is your cluster named "Connected"?

  • I think this needs to be moved from the NetBackup board to the Storage Foundation board.  You will get better responses since your problem appears mostly likely with clustering and not NetBackup.

  • So, something happened that caused the NetBackup Service Group to fail on one node. It then probably tried to fail over and the same reason that made it fail on one node probably made it fail on the 2nd node as well. So, we need to know what caused the failure before we can suggest any steps to fix it. Look for errors in Event Viewer Application log and in the cluster engine_A log. Please copy the engine_A log to engine.txt and upload as File attachment. Only when we see in this log what exactly caused the failure can we check the status of each resource (diskgroup, moutpoint, NIC, Lanman, NBU ) and ensure that all is fine. At this point can we clear the faulted resources and online the SG on one of the nodes. Until NBU is online in the cluster, forget about connecting via the GUI.