Netbackup DD to DD replication
DD1, DD2, DD3, DD4
Replication Bandwidth throttle set in Data Domains is as follows:
DD1, DD2 and DD3: 1 mbps in business hours 07:00 am to 07:00 PM, 30 mbps in OFF business hours i.e :07:00 PM to 07:00 AM hours.
DD4: bandwidth throttle default, unlimited.
Data transfer for secondary copy is as follows and they are all different data from different SLPs:
DD1 to DD3
DD2 to DD3
DD3 to DD4
DD3 is the common for all of these.
At DD3 we have replication bandwidth throttle 1mbps in business hours and 30 mbps in OFF business hours.
Even though data from DD1 and DD2 are arriving at 1mbps to DD3 in business hours, ie 2mb data hitting per second at DD3, and DD3 also has to send its own data to DD4, Will DD3 process 1 mbps data only inclusive of all three operations during business hours??
So, ideally each DD operation getting 0.33 mbps on an average only during business hours???
And 10 mbps on an average for each DD operation in OFF business hours??
Please advise if my understanding is correct??
This really is a question for Dell/EMC as replication throttling is managed by the DD, not NetBackup (NetBackup merely tells the DD to replicate - the DD's manage the data transfer between themselves).
That said, it looks like the answer depends on how you are configuring throttling - if you are only setting it at the source, then I think you will see 2 mbps in-bound and 1mbps out-bound on DD3 during business hours (and 20 in and 10 out during off business hours).
See this thread, which I thnk may help you to understand how it worsk:
From reading the article it appears you are able to set throttling on either source or target of the replication.HTH