Forum Discussion

Tomas_C's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Netbackup DLO upload.tmp files

I have an issue with Netbackup not deleting upload.tmp files.


I found this article (, although we don't have VSS enabled we still have many gigabytes of old upload.tmp files eating our storage.

The question is if I can delete theese files without running into problems?

The version is Laptop Option for NetBackup 6.1 MP6

  • I would put my PR hat on and answer your question with "unexpected results may occur" if you were to delete a temp file DLO was expecting to be able to use.

    I don't believe it would fail forever, though.

  • Files ending with .upload.tmp are temporary files created during DLO backups on the Storage Location.  When backups fail, these files are left behind and can be deleted.

    So, yes, BUT make sure there aren't any backups happening when you're deleting them.  Or only delete files which are, say, several days old which you're sure wouldn't be in use.

    Tangent: DLO 6.1 MP7 AND 7.0 are both now available!

  • Ok thanks, thats what I thought and hoped for.

    What happens if I delete one with a running backup? Will the backup fail forever or just fail and try again?


    I will have a look at DLO 6.1 MP7 and 7 asap.

  • I would put my PR hat on and answer your question with "unexpected results may occur" if you were to delete a temp file DLO was expecting to be able to use.

    I don't believe it would fail forever, though.

  • Ok, thanks. :)

    I've got hundreds of GB of those files, lots of space to reclaim.


    On my wishlist for DLO; maintenance jobs like deleting old temp files, deleting users no longer in the AD, deleting machines not backed up in x number of days and such things. I couldnt find that in DLO 7 either.

    • Sapphyrist's avatar
      Level 0

      Made a script and set it to run on a schedule over weekends... for anyone still using this product.

      x: (Whatever your drive is)
      forfiles -p "X:\DLO_EVA" -s -m *.tmp -d -21 -c "cmd /c del /Q @
