Forum Discussion

PrakashKodali's avatar
11 years ago

Netbackup eject tapes


we are using netbackup 7.5 with db2. We would like to keep the tapes at offsite after each backup. Can someone tell me how to eject from the tape library and we may need to insert them on another day, 



  • Eject from or re-insert into library does not change the pool. 
    It only changes the location.
    When the tape is in the CAP, you need to inventory the robot and select 'Empty Media Access port..'

    Your tape is in Scratch pool because all the images on them have expired. 
    The expiration date is determined by the Retention Level selected in the policy schedule.

    If you still need the backups on the tape, you will have to move them to another pool and immediately start with import to prevent tapes from being overwritten.. See

    NetBackup Vault option has a separate manual:

    Please take your time to go through this manual to understand the concepts before you configure the profile to select images and the eject function (skip duplication step if you don't need that).

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  • If you have license for NBU Vault option, you can setup Vault profile and policy to automate tape eject.

    If you don't have Vault license, you can manually check for media id's that were used for backups, then right-click in media window and eject them.

    Script writers may have a better solution for you - probably something that you can add to parent_end_notify script on the master server.
    It may not be possible to eject immediately after the backup completed successfully because bptm on the media server will wait 3 minutes (media unload delay) before tape is unloaded.  
    Even if this kind of scripting is successful, you will need someone to remove tapes from the robot, as there is a parameter that will put the tape back in the robot if not removed from the cap within a certain period.
    So, you may as well do a manual eject in the morning...

  • Hi marianne,

    Thanks for reply.

    I tried with eject option by selecting the media. It has put that media on i/o port of the library. But when I re-insert the tape it is not taking into the same pool. and it went to scratch/standalone pool. kindly suggest anything to be performed before/after ejecting the tape.



  • Hi,

    I have been informed that we had vault license for netbackup. can you please share some info on that how can I do a policy and automate that.





  • Eject from or re-insert into library does not change the pool. 
    It only changes the location.
    When the tape is in the CAP, you need to inventory the robot and select 'Empty Media Access port..'

    Your tape is in Scratch pool because all the images on them have expired. 
    The expiration date is determined by the Retention Level selected in the policy schedule.

    If you still need the backups on the tape, you will have to move them to another pool and immediately start with import to prevent tapes from being overwritten.. See

    NetBackup Vault option has a separate manual:

    Please take your time to go through this manual to understand the concepts before you configure the profile to select images and the eject function (skip duplication step if you don't need that).

  • hi,

    Great, Thanks for your immediate help.

    I have already stated going through vault manaul. 

