Forum Discussion

fadmandrit's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

Netbackup Error "All compatible drive paths are down but media is available(2009)"

Hi Experts,

I am new to my org and there is no one else I could refer to. My back ups have been failing since I do not know when. Usually I will just go in to my master back up server to replace tapes and run inventory robot so that it is updated. So the error I am getting is "All compatible drive paths are down but media is available(2009)". My servers are all Windows 2008 and Netback Up ver7.1. This is the detailed error I am getting.

09-Sep-15 2:28:19 PM - Info nbjm(pid=4860) starting backup job (jobid=16914) for client MasterServer, policy Windows-Backup-MasterServer, schedule Differential-Inc  
09-Sep-15 2:28:19 PM - Info nbjm(pid=4860) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=16914, request id:{})  
09-Sep-15 2:28:19 PM - requesting resource Any
09-Sep-15 2:28:19 PM - requesting resource MasterServer.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.MasterServer
09-Sep-15 2:28:19 PM - requesting resource MasterServer.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.Windows-Backup-MasterServer
09-Sep-15 2:28:19 PM - Error nbjm(pid=4860) NBU status: 2009, EMM status: All compatible drive paths are down, but media is available
All compatible drive paths are down but media is available(2009)

I have tried to see the Host Properties>Clients> and all my clients status "Connected".


  • I prefer to disable UAC on a NetBackup master server and is also the recommendation from Symantec.

    I have seen 'weird and wonderful' things and errors as a result of User Access Control.

    If UAC is enabled, you need to remember to do EVERYTHING with 'Run as Administrator'. 
    Even when you open cmd to run commands.

10 Replies

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  • Have you checked drive status in Device Monitor? 

    If drives are DOWN, right-click and UP them.

    Add VERBOSE entry to vm.conf in <install-path>\volmgr folder and restart NBU Device Manager service.

    Try to run a backup.

    If drives go DOWN again, the reason will be logged in Windows Event Viewer logs.
    Check Application and System logs for device-related errors.

  • Hello,

    Please run the below commands to check if the devices are visible at the OS level.

    <install_Path>\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\scan -tape

    <install_Path>\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\scan -changer

    You can also check the event logs to check why the drive paths are going down.



  • Hi,

    Thank you for your response. I got this.


    C:\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>scan -tape
    *********************** SDT_TAPE    ***********************

    C:\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>scan -changer
    *********************** SDT_CHANGER ***********************
    Device Name  : "Changer0"
    Passthru Name: "Changer0"
    Volume Header: ""
    Port: 2; Bus: 0; Target: 5; LUN: 1
    Inquiry    : "HP      MSL G3 Series   5.00"
    Vendor ID  : "HP      "
    Product ID : "MSL G3 Series   "
    Product Rev: "5.00"
    Serial Number: ""
    WWN          : ""
    WWN Id Type  : 0
    Device Identifier: "HP      MSL G3 Series   "
    Device Type    : SDT_CHANGER
    NetBackup Robot Type: 8
    Removable      : Yes
    Device Supports: SCSI-5
    Number of Drives : 1
    Number of Slots  : 24
    Number of Media Access Ports: 0
    Drive 1 Serial Number      : ""
    Flags : 0x0
    Reason: 0x0

  • Hi Marianne,

    The drives now status change to UP only after your help. May I know how do I add VERBOSE entry? Sorry am still learning.

  • I saw your 'scan' output after my post.

    You will see that 'scan -tape' sees no tapes.

    This means that the OS has lost connectivity to the devices.
    (Well, 1 tape drive, since we see that the robot sees 1 tape drive via its internal control path.)

    Check Windows Device Manager.
    If tape drive appears there, delete it and rescan for changes.
    Does the tape drive come back?
    If not, you need to check physical connectivity.

    You can open vm.conf with Notepad and type VERBOSE on a new line.
    Save & exit.

  • Hi Marianne,

    I have not done the removal of tape drive yet. However, I tried to run "NetbackUp Administration Console" run as Administrator. I tried to do a manual back up and got it running. Previously it only run for a few seconds and gave me a failed result. Any clue to my issue before I remove the tape drive?

  • If all is fine now, do not remove the tape drive.

    I cannot explain why 'scan -tape' did not see the tape drive, but it seems to be back now.

    If drive goes down again, check Windows Event Viewer logs for clues as it seems that the OS is losing connection to the tape drive intermittently.

  • Hi Marianne,

    But previously I ran the Administration Console by double clicking it, the manual back would failed. But if I ran the Administration Console via "run as administrator" it will run. Please help me further?

  • I prefer to disable UAC on a NetBackup master server and is also the recommendation from Symantec.

    I have seen 'weird and wonderful' things and errors as a result of User Access Control.

    If UAC is enabled, you need to remember to do EVERYTHING with 'Run as Administrator'. 
    Even when you open cmd to run commands.

  • I came across this same issue and searched the web for solution. Tried  the solution suggested by the experts here, but I was unluckey. When nothing worked I simply uninstalled the Netbackup and installed back again and that did the trick for me.