Forum Discussion

asru1927's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

NetBackup for SAP on a MaxDB database configuration


I am trying to configure the backups for MAXDB on a SAP system following the admin guide and have come stuck so I wonder if anyone can shed any light.

Master server - Windows 2008 R2 SP1 Enterprise - NBU

Client - Linux Redhat 2.6.32-504.3.3.el6.x86_64 - NBU

MAXDB version 7.9

I have done the following so far:

1. Cretead bsi.ev file with the following:

BACKINT /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/backint
INPUT /sapdb/temp/
OUTPUT /sapdb/temp/backintmaxdb.out
ERROROUTPUT /sapdb/temp/backintmaxdb.err
PARAMETERFILE /sapdb/SID/data/wrk/initSAP.utl

2. Created initSAP.util in the location specified in the PARAMETER file above:

schedule FULL
client client_name
server master_server
switch_list /sapdb/SID/data/wrk/.switch.lis
switch_sem /sapdb/SID/data/wrk/.switch.sem
switch_log /sapdb/SID/data/wrk/.switch.log

3. Created a backup medium with the firs 4 characters as "BACK" with the following command:

dbmcli> medium_put BACKDATA \\.\pipe\DATA PIPE DATA

4. Ran backup using the folliwng command:

./sapdb/clients/SID/bin]# ./dbmcli -d SID -u user,password -uUTL -c backup_start BACKDATA
Returncode              0
Date                    20150707
Time                    00090549
Server                  server_name
Database                SID
Kernel Version          Kernel    7.9.08   Build 023-123-250-592
Pages Transferred       183352
Pages Left              0
Volumes                 1
Medianame               BACKDATA
Location                \\.\pipe\DATA
Label                   DAT_000000050
Is Consistent           true
First LOG Page          19281054
Last LOG Page
DB Stamp 1 Date         20150706
DB Stamp 1 Time         00132632
DB Stamp 2 Date
DB Stamp 2 Time
Page Count              183332
Devices Used            1
Database ID             server_name:SID_20150416_184239
Max Used Data Page      0
Converter Page Count    106

This is the NetBackup Policy:

bppllist MY_MAXDB_POLICY  -M master_server -U

Policy Name:       MY_MAXDB_POLICY

  Policy Type:         SAP
  Active:              yes
  Effective date:      29/10/2014 15:22:16
  Mult. Data Streams:  no
  Client Encrypt:      no
  Checkpoint:          no
  Policy Priority:     0
  Max Jobs/Policy:     Unlimited
  Disaster Recovery:   0
  Collect BMR info:    no
  Residence:           DataDomain
  Volume Pool:         NetBackup
  Server Group:        *ANY*
  Keyword:             (none specified)
  Data Classification:       -
  Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:    no
  Application Discovery:      no
  Discovery Lifetime:      0 seconds
ASC Application and attributes: (none defined)

  Granular Restore Info:  no
  Ignore Client Direct:  no
Enable Metadata Indexing:  no
Index server name:  NULL
  Use Accelerator:  no
  HW/OS/Client:  Linux         RedHat2.6.18  client_nam

  Include:  /usr/backup/MAXDB/sap_maxdb_backup_test

  Schedule:              Default-Application-Backup
    Type:                Application Backup
    Maximum MPX:         1
    Synthetic:           0
    Checksum Change Detection: 0
    PFI Recovery:        0
    Retention Level:     9 (infinity)
    Number Copies:       1
    Fail on Error:       0
    Residence:           (specific storage unit not required)
    Volume Pool:         (same as policy volume pool)
    Server Group:        (same as specified for policy)
    Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:         0
    Schedule indexing:     0
    Daily Windows:
          Sunday     00:00:00  -->  Sunday     24:00:00
          Monday     00:00:00  -->  Monday     24:00:00
          Tuesday    00:00:00  -->  Tuesday    24:00:00
          Wednesday  00:00:00  -->  Wednesday  24:00:00
          Thursday   00:00:00  -->  Thursday   24:00:00
          Friday     00:00:00  -->  Friday     24:00:00
          Saturday   00:00:00  -->  Saturday   24:00:00

  Schedule:              FULL
    Type:                Automatic Full Backup
    Frequency:           every 7 days
    Synthetic:           0
    Checksum Change Detection: 0
    PFI Recovery:        0
    Retention Level:     1 (2 weeks)
    Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:         0
    Schedule indexing:     0
    Daily Windows:

As you can see the backup works as it should from DBMCLI as far as I can see however the job isnt reflected in Activity monitor.  I have double checked all relevent documentation and I cant see what I am missing.  As far as I am aware the fact that the backup_medium has the first 4 letters as "BACK" should be enough for the pipe to be opened with NetBackup.

Any help would be much appreciated






  • @Maryann - I did change the path to be a directory on the linux FS as you had pointed out however that didnt seem to work either.  The only thing that allowed me to talk to NetBackup was reacreating the medium and specifying BACKINT as the tool.  The command used in the admin guide "medium_put" didnt allow me to do so.   

    I thing its down to the version of MAXDB that we are using however I cant be 100% sure as I am not a MAXDB expert.  

    Anyway all is working as it should be now.

    Thanks again

4 Replies

  • When you run the backup from DBMCLI is it actually using the Netbackup backint ?

    Ask as I have seen issues with the wrong file being first in the path on other databases

    Always when troubleshooting database backups create the logs directories bphdb, dbclient and in this case backint, the last two need 777 permissions

    I have never tried to configure NBU SAP for MaxDB.

    All I can offer here is to look at the steps listed in the manual and compare it with yours.

    I don't see you performing this step?

    OS_prompt% dbmcli -d database_name -u usr,passwd 

    When I look at medium_path examples in the manual, there seems to be one example for Unix/Linux and another for Windows (although the manual does not say so):

    Unix/Linux example:  /export/home/medium1

    Windows example: \\.\PIPE\medium1

    I may be wrong, but the only place where I have seen \\.\ path being used is on Windows.

    Why not try with a Linux path as per the example?

    I am sure your backup command does the same, but maybe you could try the steps in the manual?

    To perform a backup
    1 Make sure that you have modified the proper configuration files and created a backup medium.
    2 Type the following command to start a utility session:
    dbmcli> util_connect
    3 Type the following command to initiate the backup:
    dbmcli> backup_start medium_name backup_type


    Unfortunately nothing else to add or suggest from my side...

  • Hi Guys,


    Thanks for getting back to me.  I actually managed to get it working by recreating the medium using the following command:

    backup_template_create BACKDATA TO BACKUPTOOL BACKINT PIPE /sapdb/SID/backup/DATA CONTENT DATA

    This allowed me to specify BACKINT as the backup tool:

    sapdb/EQY/db/bin/dbmcli on EQY>backup_template_show ALL


    NAME                          BACKDATA

        CONTENT                   DATA

        CREATIONDATE              20150707141926

        MODIFICATIONDATE          20150707143540

        TOOL                      BACKINT

        BLOCKSIZE                 8


            TYPE                  PIPE

            LOCATION              /sapdb/SID/backup/DATA

            OVERWRITE             NO

            COMPRESSED            NO


    Once that was created I was able to run a manual backup from the client and it complete succesfully in activity monitor.  In order to get it via the NetBackup Master server it was quite straight forward to edit the sap_maxdb scripts provided by Symantec - I now have maxdb database and log backups succesfully working in my environment.


  • @Maryann - I did change the path to be a directory on the linux FS as you had pointed out however that didnt seem to work either.  The only thing that allowed me to talk to NetBackup was reacreating the medium and specifying BACKINT as the tool.  The command used in the admin guide "medium_put" didnt allow me to do so.   

    I thing its down to the version of MAXDB that we are using however I cant be 100% sure as I am not a MAXDB expert.  

    Anyway all is working as it should be now.

    Thanks again