Forum Discussion

Neomatrix's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

Netbackup Licenses


Would you please advise what type of netbackup licence would be useful for this customer.

Host A - VMWare with File Servers, print server and domain controller

Host B - VMWare with Domain controller, SQL and applications

Antivirus Server

Proxy Server

Host C (DR) - Containing VMs of all production servers




8 Replies

  • Please tell us number of VMware ESXs, BMs, and DBs. I could not find out those from your picture. By any chance, are you planning to run Hyper-V VMs?

    It would be better to download Licensing Guide from PartnerNet and check it by yourself.

  • Host Servers A,B and C are running VMWare instead of windows as you can see in the picture. There is one virtual machine with SQL server on Host B. The DR currently doesn't exist and I am looking forward to porpose the best solution to this customer. There is 3 windows VM on host A and 3 windows VMs on host B.


  • Yasuhisa was asking about ESX servers, as you need 1 Enterprise Client license per ESX server. License is tiered.

    Application and Database license is also tiered to ESX server.

    Best to download NetBackup Licensing Guide from PartnerNet.

  • So, you have your answer, right?

    Hopefully you have downloaded the Licensing Guide by now?

  • Thanks I've gone to through the lisense guide.

    Is it correct to say that the customer need:

    2 netbackup standard client

    3 enterprise client tier

    1 netbackup enterprise server

    1 app & db pack

    1 data protection optimization for replication

  • 1 data protection optimization for replication


    Are you planning to use MSDP or a NetBackup Appliance?
    Data protection optimization is for deduplication and will also enable replication via AIR.
    This license is capacity based - you need 1 license per front-end TB.

    If you do not go with capacity based licensing: Platform Base – Complete Edition, you will have to license the DR site as well - similar to Production site. For real DR protection, you will need a Master server at DR with all backups available at DR site.

    Host A cannot be a VM - tape is not supported. See Statement of Support for NetBackup 7.x in a Virtual Environment ( Virtualization Technologies ):

    If Antivirus Server and Proxy Server are physical machines, they will need Standard Client. 
    If '
    Proxy Server' will be your Backup Host for VMware backups, it will be best to install media server software (Enterprise Server license) to ensure SAN based backups (as oppised to LAN). Why not make this server the Master/Media server with tape attached? Environment seems small enough to have a single master/media server. If tape is in a robotic library, you will need 1 license per library-based tape drive.


  • Thanks Marianne

    I am looking for the most reliable way for the customer to be able to backup from the prod and be able to restore from the DR. Most probably would use EMC's Data Domain.