NetBackup Licensing Question
Sorry if this isn't appropriate for this forum as it's not entirely technical.
I have a single Linux Master\Media server running NetBackup 7.7.1 which I have had for many years and is running NetBackup Server (NOT Enterprise Server). I now what to add a media server and need to undertsand what licensing I'm going to need. I have traditional licensing and don't want to move to a capacity model
My understanding is that NetBackup Server doesn't allow me to add a media server so I will need to upgrade this to NetBackup Enterprise Server - this is quite an expense but I should be able to stretch to this. Is this all I need? or do I also need to license the new NetBackup media server I plan to deploy?
If I do need to license the new media server does this too need to be NetBackup Enterprise or can it just be NetBackup Server? It will only be backing up itself to a locally attached tape autoloader so it doesn't need any Enterprise features really - in fact it's just what use to be known as a SAN media server - does such a thing still exist?
many thanks
A "NetBackup Server" (non-Enterprise) license can only ever exist as one NetBackup "server" in any given NetBackup environment. As soon as you need/want to deploy two or more "server" type roles - be they Master or Media or Master/Media or SAN Media, then you will need a "NetBackup Enterprise License" for each server.
So, for your installation, you will need to ask your channel sales partner for... one uplift of NetBackup Server to NetBackup Enterprise Server, plus one additional new NetBackup Enterprise Server license. They will also need to know the number of populated CPU sockets on the mobos for each physical server (not cores, not virtual CPOUs, but actual populated physical CPU sockets).
Correct - Enterprise Client enables different features. One of which is 'SAN Media Server'.
SAN media server is just like any media server, only difference is that it is configured to backup its own data, no other network client(s).
For this you need to configure the Storage Unit with 'On demand only'.There are a number of discussions about SAN Media server, e.g.