Forum Discussion

technimdaxviii's avatar
9 years ago

Netbackup Log/s Location


We are using netbackup for our oracle database and windows. Monitoring is usually done from front end and can't see any logs. Where can we check the logs of a specific job? Just to verify and to know if any error.

Thank you!

  • Mike_Gavrilov's avatar
    9 years ago

    It means that you're using  Oracle Intelligent Policies (OIP) what creates RMAN script on-the-fly. Job Details in the Activity Monitor (GUI on the Master Server ) lets you view the backup summary with RMAN output, and you don't have to go deeper into logs. 

  • You should be more scepific. As I understand you have an access to the Activity Monitor (GUI) and want to go deeper and check logs (I don't know why). If the job has ended without any errors it means that you have nothing to check but if you really want to check something you need to check logs on Master, media and cient:


    RMAN log (location depends on your RMAN script)


    The documents that will help you with logs

    If you just don't have an access to the Activity Monitor it is enough to check exit status of RMAN script and you may also check /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/jobs/ floder.

    If I misunderstood you please clarify what access do you have and what exactly you'd like to achieve

    • technimdaxviii's avatar
      Level 5

      Hi Sir Mike,

      Apologies..I'm a DBA and new to use netbackup on the project. 

      Im still wondering how netbackup took DB backup using RMAN. I can't find the script/log on the DB server. What I can see from the GUI of the netbackup(NetBackup Management > Policies > "DB Policy" > "Backup Selections" tab) it shows "WHOLE_DATABASE". While on the "Instances" tab, host and ORACLE_HOME were just provided. Does it mean the netbackup has its own RMAN script to take the full backup? We're using

      I have both access direclty on the master/client servers. Also for the GUI. 



      • Mike_Gavrilov's avatar
        Level 6

        It means that you're using  Oracle Intelligent Policies (OIP) what creates RMAN script on-the-fly. Job Details in the Activity Monitor (GUI on the Master Server ) lets you view the backup summary with RMAN output, and you don't have to go deeper into logs.