Forum Discussion

7 Replies

  • If you have a "pure" Windows setup with MS DNS server, it should be allowed. If you however have a mixed environment with UNIX DNS servers, care must be taken before going ahead.

    Why not go for "-" like backup-dr, then you will  be safe and not sorry :-)

    This is taken from MS home page:

    Configuring BIND to Support Active Directory


    This section assumes familiarity with UNIX and Linux operating systems, file system navigation techniques, basic daemon configuration, daemon restart procedures, and the use of text editors.

    Active Directory Interoperability Issues with BIND 8

    As shown earlier, Active Directory records contain underscores. There is a prohibition on the use of underscore in hostnames (RFC 952, and 1123) and mail domains (RFC 821), but the use of underscores is not prohibited in domain names. Because underscores are allowed in domain namesand due to the number and complexity of the records required by Active DirectoryMicrosoft opted to use underscores in the domain name portion of the records to reduce the possibility of Active Directory data conflicting with existing DNS data.

    By default, BIND 8 does not consider any record containing an underscore to be valid. BIND 8.x uses the check-names directive to restrict the character set of domain names in master files and/or DNS responses received from the network. Therefore, you must disable the check-names option to allow BIND 8.x to support Active Directory.

    BIND 9

    BIND 9x does not restrict the character set of domain names and does not implement the check-names option.

  • Right said Nicolai...

    NBU will depend on the DNS for resolving the hostnames...
  • I would think UNIX would be happier with an underscore vs a dash.

    as a dash could be seen as a meta character in a command.

    But I have never created a server name with either character in  it.

  • Early versions of BIND didn't support "_" in host or sub domains (RFC 952). Try google for "DNS using underscore" and you will see the fuss about underscores.  Even O'Reilly's DNS and BIND ( edition) say host names can't contain a underscore  (see page 72).

    However modern version of BIND do not have this limitation.

  • However if you are doing any kind of scripting that would be using a server name I would not be happy with a server name that has a hyphen in it, as it could make the script act funny. 
  • I misunderstood you're point, sorry . I have written many shell script during the years, and have never faced that as problem. But I understand you're worries - there are some charters UNIX admins dislike,being a file name for a example.

    Best Regards
