Forum Discussion

GDYR_MPD's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

Netbackup Master server still attempting to contact decommissioned clients

I am currently running Netbackup Server 7.7.2 on RedHat Linux and a mix of media servers (HP-UX, AIX, RedHat). 

Several years ago many clients were taken off the list of servers to backup.  They were/are running Out-dated operating systems; hence had Netbackup client 4, 5, or 6 installed.  I am monitoring output from the Master server and noticed these client servers are still attempted to be contacted over a range of ports.  I added the clients to a test policy and deleted them.  No longer is the range of ports being contacted, only a single port 13782.

I have verified the clients are not in a policy.  I am finding some of the clients in /db/client/<client> and in /db/images/<client>.  I understand images are past backups and do not wish to touch that directory.

These clients may no longer exist and I would like my master server to stop attempting to contact them on port 13782.  My thought is that during upgrade processes through the years did not update the database tables properly. 

Has anyone else run into this?  Any idea how to fix.

  • Run the command to identify the clients

    bpplclients -allunique -l > output.txt


    If they are not listed anywhere and you see it in logs you might then gather logs and send to Veritas support for the sql script to remove those client

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