Forum Discussion

Claudio_Veronez's avatar
16 years ago

NetBackup MSSQL not truncating log


I'm running NB log policy over several mssql servers,

I'm having some problem because after log backup, the log is not truncated and I'm getting some space problems.

NB 6.5.3 
MSSQL client OK   6.5.3
files      OK
online  OK
diff        OK
full        OK
Log      OK  (but not truncate the log)

Does anyone had these problem?


  • NetBackup for SQL Server completes successful (Status 0) backups and truncates SQL transaction logs but the amount of physical space on the SQL Server hard drive allocated to the transaction log does not decrease.

    3RD PARTY: Despite backing up and truncating the Microsoft SQL Server transaction logs with NetBackup, the size of the transaction log on the SQL server's hard disk drive does not get any smaller.

    This behavior is normal, and is the result of how SQL handles its transaction logs.