Netbackup Policy Change
Hello Experts,
Pls help with the below queries when ops center is not available.
1:- where could we find the changes that were made in the netbackup policy if we dont have Ops center alerts configured?
2:- file location where we could find the backup error logs daily.
3:- if netbackup policy is deleted. where can i get the policy?
1/ If EMM auditing is turned on, its logged in there - run nbauditreport command
2/ Run bperror command - there no file that contains the NBU errors daily, there are many logs that you could look in to build up a picture - I think bperror is the best option.
3/ If the policy is deleted, it's gone.
You could recover it from the catalog backup, by chasing, in the BAR gui the policy type to nbu_catalog. this allows the catalog backups to be browsed like normal backups, and the policies are found in /usr/openv/netbackup/db/class - the individual polcies could be restored from there.
Auditing is enabled by default on NBU 7.6 master server.
See: About NetBackup auditing a look at all the links in above HOWTO.
Such as:See Configuring auditing on a NetBackup master server