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Tanveer_Ahmad's avatar
9 years ago

Netbackup SAP online Backup issue

I have problem to take SAP online backup thr error 130

8/26/2015 3:13:51 PM - Error bprd(pid=6704) Unable to write progress log </usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/vxbsa.1440583811.5872.prog.pcb_std> on client ecdci001. Policy=ECD_Online_Bkp Sched=NONE 
8/26/2015 3:13:51 PM - Error bprd(pid=6704) CLIENT ecd  POLICY ECD_Online_Bkp  SCHED NONE  EXIT STATUS 130 (system error occurred)

When we perform file base backup by using backup policy "standard " backup completed successfully.




  • Brtools need to match the runnign SAP system revision. Just becuase BRtools is the same level as a runnign system you can't determine its fine.

    We need to see the backint debug log.


8 Replies

  • You can't perform a SAP backup using policy type standart, it need to be a SAP policy type.

    Can you provide me with the output from brbackup ?

    Can you provide me the output from  bppllist ECD_Online_Bkp -U ?

    What version of Netbackup is this  ?

    What OS type is the SAP system ecdci001 running ?

    Did this ever work before or is it a new install ?

  • when we perform online backup policy type is SAP not standard. Standard policy is used for flate file backup.

    Netbackup version is

    output of brbackup and bppllist is attached.

  • sorry couple of your queries is missing in above post .

    Client OS is Suse 11 with SP3

    previously online backup is working on my old backup server (7.5) and new server ( couple of weeks ago our SAP team perform some system upgradation after that online having problem . other SAP system online backup is working even after upgradation.

  • Put VERBOSE = 5 in bp.conf on the SAP client

    Create the directories backint and bphdb in /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/ on the SAP client

    Ensure the directories has 777 right.

    Re-run the operation and provide the output from the two directories.

    I took a look at the output from brbackup - are you sure the file is complete. I would expect brbackup to fail at some sort 

    Program:                /usr/sap/ECD/SYS/exe/run/backint 7.6
    Input File:             /oracle/ECD/sapbackup/.berglkqv.lst
    Profile:                /oracle/ECD/112_64/dbs/initECD.utl
    Function:               BACKUP
    Backup Type:            BACKUP_FILE_ONLINE

    <---- What next here :-)

    Besides that I would do some back pressure on the SAP guys and ask why they broke the backup. They may have forgot to upgrade brtools required by the new version of SAP. Seen that before ....

  • Thanks for your support. I send you brbackup output file again. According to my SAP team brtools is fine and same as on other system whcih have no issue with online backup.

  • Have you checked and confirmed permissions on the log folders?

     Unable to write progress log </usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/vxbsa.1440583811.5872.prog.pcb_std

    This could mean one of 2 things:

    1. Permission problem
    2. Comms issue between the master and the client
  • permission are set 777 on folder


    communication between server and client seem to be no issue I attach the out put of bptestbpcd and bptestnetconn 

  • Brtools need to match the runnign SAP system revision. Just becuase BRtools is the same level as a runnign system you can't determine its fine.

    We need to see the backint debug log.