Forum Discussion

Volker_Spies's avatar
12 years ago

NetBackup Status Code 112

Hi all,

I have several backups that end with status code 112, the most of them over the weekend.

The backup does not come from the NBU scheduler and there is nothing useful in activity monitor so I'm not able to determine wich hosts does start this backup.

I tried to search the logs with vxlogview and the JobID, but that didn't bring up anythin either.

Is there a log or something else, where I can fiind informations about the job, wich policy or wich host is involved?

Best regrads





  • OK - so take a look at the bpcd log on the Master 21:18 0n 6th and see which IP address (or client name) connected to the Master at that time

    That should give the clue where the request is coming from so that you can trace the client involved and see what is firing off the backup requests

    Hope this helps

8 Replies

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  • Looks like it might have been a request originating from a client.  You could check the master server's bpcd log and coorelate the error code time with the time stamps in the bpcd log... 



  • User requests are logged in Master's bprd log.

    The other log to check is nbjm. Use vxlogview to read unified logs.
    Extract from NBU Ref Guide:


    ■ This status code may occur if nbjm is running and a stream discovery fails to
    find all stream files. Examine the nbjm unified log (originator ID 117) for more
    details on the cause of the error.
  • Sorry for the delay, but no 112 in the last week, so I assumed that the problem was gone.

    Until last night....

    112 is back again, I used vxlogview as told, but got nearly nothing:


    xxlogview -p 51216 -X "jobid=1529528"
    06.12.2012 21:18:02.899 [Info] V-116-14 CLIENT *NULL*  POLICY *NULL*  SCHED *NUL
    L*  EXIT STATUS 112 (no files specified in the file list)
    V-1-1-13 NOTE: There were 3 corrupted log records.
    Ok, that is the info that is in activity monitor as well, so I tried:
    vxlogview -p 51216 -o 117 -b "12.06.2012 21:17:00" -e "12.06.2012 21:31:00"
    V-1-45 No log files found.
    No log files found??

    I even tried:


    vxlogview -p 51216 -o 117 -b "2012/06/12 21:17:00 PM" -e "2012/06/12 23:55:00 PM"
    V-1-1-4 An invalid or improperly formatted date was entered.
    to make sure the problem is not due to the time format.
    So I grabbed all bprd and nbjm logs and searched for a job id from one of the 112 jobs, but there was nothing, either in bprd or nbjm.
    So I#m out of options rigth know, any hints would be geaatly appreciated.
  • OK - so take a look at the bpcd log on the Master 21:18 0n 6th and see which IP address (or client name) connected to the Master at that time

    That should give the clue where the request is coming from so that you can trace the client involved and see what is firing off the backup requests

    Hope this helps

  • Hi Mark,

    I think you brought me on the right track.

    There was a big gap of approx. 15 minutes in the bpcd log! A quick glimpse in the Windows system log told me that the C: disk was full for approx 15 minutes during the night. I think that could have caused the 112 Errors?

    The disk was full because some time ago Symatec switched on logging during a support case on the master server by creating all the folders, I reduces the global logging level after the case was closed to 0, but did not delete the folders in ..\nebackup\logs.

    So what do you guys think, what folders can be deletet and what log folders should i leave to get some sort of rudimentary logging in case of problems?

    Is there a way to delete the log fodlers without restarting, the netbackup services on the master server, some files are in use so I can't delete them.



  • By default you only need admin and user_ops so you can clear the rest down if you wish

    Some will be locked if NBU is up and running so you may need to down it first

    The unified logs in the root of the logs directory can also go - you can also control those with the vxlogcfg command

    Check all logging levels (master server host properties and vxlogcfg) and get them back to minimum

    Hope this sorts it all out for you