Forum Discussion

NiklasV's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

netbackup unable to resolve hostname

i got Netbackup 7.5 ( This will get newer with the new server ) Win 2003 Server ( we will get a new shortly ) We havent done any changes, everything was going well until Last week we notice...
  • Marianne's avatar
    9 years ago

    So, it seems something has changed as far as DNS config for the master server is concerned.

    From what I can see, when NBU was installed the master server resolved own hostname as igsestbup01.DOM.OAD.LCL
    Can we assume that EMMserver in the registry is the same?

    And now the server no longer resolves to that FQDN but to the names that can be seen in bpclntcmd command:
    bpclntcmd -self
    gethostname() returned: igsest1bup01
    host igsest1bup01: at
    aliases:     igsest1bup01     172.23.113

    Can you change TCP/DNS settings on the server to match the original domain name?

    Something that MAY work is to add aliases in the server's hosts file: igsest1bup01   igsestbup01.DOM.OAD.LCL

    Clear host cache and restart NBU.

    Hope this helps!