Forum Discussion

telecomvn's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Tracking hostname in netbackup policy

Hi All

'm using netbackup,

In the catalog backup, I saw a list of tape backup and polciy name.

Currently, this policy is no longer existed in policy list. We need to chech host name in this backup policy catalog.

Can we do that or any netbackup comment to list host in netbackup policy from catalog?


  • Something wrong with your picture - it cannot be opened.

    Have you tried bpimagelist?
    Something like:

    bpimagelist -policy <policy_name> -d <start_date> 
    (In '-l' output, the client_name is the 2nd field in IMAGE (header) section of the output.)
    You can script it (depending on master server output) to only display IMAGE section and only display field 2.

    An easy way to trace policy contents is by regularly exporting policy config.
    (See my post dated 1 Oct.)

    Another way is by restoring the policy from Catalog backup, but this will depend on retention of Catalog policies.
    Since you have a backup date of the client, you can browse the Catalog backup for this day, find this policy and restore it.